January 2008 Feature of the Month - Zzirvingj

Totally gorgeous!!! Love love love your hair and congratulations!!
Thanks for the step by step regime thing...might nick a few ideas

Your hair is so beautiful..but I have very thin thin fine hair and I just became a member on Jan. 1st. this is a new year and I really really want long healthy hair. Thank you once again for sharing your story ..

She makes me wanna go natural. Beautiful hair :love:

So she is natural... that's what I was wondering.

Yes, beautiful hair... I know... but for me to go natural, I would have to start over.

I've already tried going natural with the processed hair still "attached" and the processed and natural hair were complete enemies! :nono:

Maybe one day, though ;)
What an inspiration. Your hair is a beautiful reflection of fine hair care. Keep up the good work, and know that your feature was just awesome,:drunk: