Jamila Henna?

I experienced the same thing. I've been using 50 grams and that has been sufficient to color my entire hair, and it really does stretch the henna so that I get 2 applications from a 100g packet rather than one.

Neroli said:
@Priestess: My hair is bra strap length and I started out using 100 grams of henna but have learned to use 50 grams -- I do my roots first (gotta cover those greys!) then i apply what's left over to the rest of my hair -- 50 grams is quite enough to spread very thinly throughout my entire hair lenght. My first henna I used 100 grams and i think it was necessary to get my whole hair done; going forward, I just do what seems to work and while those guidelines are helpful, I'm a rebel on a budget . . .

@Sareca: Girl, this Jamilia looks, smells, and mixes different -- the texture is OBVIOUSLY different -- much smoother and more refined. I can't WAIT to henna tomorrow! uhmmmm you know I hold you totally responsible for this extra expenditure from my bank account. I mean, what am I supposed to do with all this FNWL henna? What?! Sareca, girl, you got a lot to answer for. . .
I actually DO now see a big difference on my gray hairs with the jamilla henna, it makes it much darker which is good.

Neroli said:
Jamila Henna is the kind that grows in Pakastan and is apparently of much superior quality than those grown elsewhere (India, Morocco, Yemen, etc.) Read about the different kinds of henna here: http://www.hennapage.com/henna/encyclopedia/growing/Pakistan/

Catherine is not the only one to sell Jamila, if you do a google seach for "jamila henna" you'll find lots of other websites, like these:

http://www.henname.net/henna.html (based on my research, this is the cheapest place to purchase but if yall find it elsewhere cheaper, PLEASE let me know.




Lavendar: Don't be intimated and you can know with certainty what color you will obtain by conducting a "harvest test" where you save hairs from your brush/comb and test them in different mixes before doing your entire head.
