Jamie Foxx Calls Obama 'Our Lord And Savior' During Soul Train Awards 2012 Show

Eh, he's a comedian. Fox was calling him the anti-Christ...and then there's the camp saying Blacks are making him their savior. He's just playing into all that, plus the fact he was elected, then re-elected and is the world choice. Shrugs. I don't truly believe he believes that way...but it is a choice of wording bordering on the blasphemous.
From the abundance of the heart... the mouth speaketh.

Jamie meant that from his heart. And it's sad to say that the applause was in total agreement with him. To be perfectly honest, this is how Mr. Obama is regarded and hailed as; he has been placed on the same level as God and to many 'before' God and to others, he is their 'god', point blank, period.

He'll never walk on water... :nono:
I think we all get it that it was suppose to be a joke however, for believers it is NOT funny at all, it is blasphemous, the name of the Lord is hallowed ...too much familliarity breeds contempt.
I watched the Soul Train awards and when I saw this part of the show, I didn't think Jamie Foxx was saying Obama was our Lord and Savior. I thought he was just naming off who to give honor to... 1) God, 2) our Lord and Savior, and 3) Barack Obama.

After watching this video, I can see how one would think he's calling Obama our Lord and Savior since he said Obama's name so very quickly right after saying "our Lord and Savior", but who knows. Not taking up for Jamie Foxx, but when I initially saw this part of the show, I didn't think he was calling Obama our Lord and Savior. Now, I'm not sure.
Just watched the clip and took it to mean that he was calling President Obama our lord and savior, but I think he meant it as a joke and people were clapping because they thought it was a funny joke. Either way, it's one of those things that he probably shouldn't have said. Anyone with a real relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ would not have said such a thing.