Jamaican vs Haitian Black Castor Oil!


New Member
Has anyone tried the Jamaican Castor Oil and the Haitian Castor Oil? I've tried the Haitian Castor oil when I was younger and had natural hair but never tried the Jamaican castor oil.

I'm thinking about going back natural and want to pick one of them and stay with it but not sure which one yet!

Your opinion matters!

Natural Sista!
I've used them both and like them both equally. But I probably buy JBCO more.

I've been buying Extra Dark JBCO.

Nothing bad to say about Haitian CO. It's wonderful too.
I've tried both and they're both great.:yep: I can't say if one is better than the other. I do know that the HBCO I had was a little thinner than JBCO.
I buy the jbco because I didn't know where to get real hbco in the US. Thanks for the link, I will try this one.
Both of them are pretty great in and of themselves.

I guess I buy JBCO more because it's easily accessible on Curlmart etc...and I like the Extra Dark Version.

I've been getting my HBCO from Amazon (Okay Brand) and I have to think about it more.

And it's 4oz as oppose to 8oz like JBCO.

I did try Kreysol Essence Brand (8oz) but actually preferred the Okay Brand color/consistency.

And with ED JBCO it's more like an Automatic.

I'm sure when Fall/Winter rolls back around, I'll be back to using both of them Heavily.

I used both of them and can't tell the difference. I like both.
I use the Extra Dark JBCO and I use the Kreysol Essence on the HBCO.
I alternate between the two but I use them all year long on my nape and edges.
I think you want JBCO or HBCO instead of regular CO because of the Ash Content.

The ED JBCO has a higher Ash Content.
I've used both and they both behave the same on hair imo. But because the Haitian one is more expensive I tend to save it for other reasons (chest rub for the kids colds).
I used both of them and can't tell the difference. I like both.
I use the Extra Dark JBCO and I use the Kreysol Essence on the HBCO.
I alternate between the two but I use them all year long on my nape and edges.

Love your hair. How long you've been using them?