J.A.Y. Herb Shampoo (Aubrey Organics)


New Member
I've been looking online and I want to buy the J.A.Y. Shampoo (the ingredients look fabulous) but I'm not sure if it's to be used as a protein shampoo (liquid protein is an ingredient) or a moisturizing one since it has jojoba, aloe, and all kinds of eo's. Does anyone have any experience with this product??

(It seems like alot of Aubrey Organics shampoos have this liquid protein ingredient in it... I don't really need another protein shampoo but would love another moisturizing one to switch up with my Keracare Hydrating...)
Hi KingstonKaramel
I used to use this shampoo, and I found it to be pretty nice...although because it is waaay natural, it was hard to get used to the no lather thing(You know, a whole ton of suds makes you feel like you're really getting the job done! LOL)
Also, if you dont like natural scents you might not like this very much.
Now, you maybe be wondering why if it is so nice, did I ever switch....*Drumroll please*......
I found out about conditioner only washes!
Seriously, this was the best thing I could have ever tried!!
It leaves your hair so moisturized, that it is insane!
I like it, it does'nt lather alot and does'nt smell the greatest, but it gently cleans.
I wouldn't reccommend the J.A.Y. shampoo. I washed my mother's hair with it a couple of months ago, and it tangled it so badly and left lots of knots in it that were difficult to get out.
Maybe a balancing shampoo is a better description. It's definitely not what you think of as a real protein shampoo, and it has some moisturizing properties, but is not ultra-conditioning.

I started the Aubrey Organics line with this shampoo in 1997. I still love it as much today as I did then. However, it can be extremely drying to some people's hair. Be sure to do a search at the forum here for some input. Personally, it's one of the best shampoos I've ever used on my scalp...utterly invigorating.

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
However, it can be extremely drying to some people's hair.

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I agree with Jade. And...Simone when she said it can tangle your hair because when I was relaxed that's what I experienced. It also could have been with how I was shampooing too. It's definately not a detangling shampoo. I have found that it works great since I'm natural but some of Aubrey's shampoos can be drying.
Thank you all for this input! I love their Island Creme Rinse so I wanted to try something else from them... I will do more research on it though because my hair is easy to tangle and dry out... thank you!
I've been wanting to know the method of a conditioner wash. Can you please explain and what conditioner did you use. Also, did you do a deep conditioner after? Thanks!
I've been using JAY shampoo and conditioner for a year now, and this stuff really helped my hair when it was damaged and scraggly. It really separated and defined my curls; everyone wanted to touch my hair.

But lately it has been leaving a white film in my hair, and I agree that JAY doesn't deep condition. Still, I wouldn't go so far as to say JAY is drying. Washing your hair with SLS and worse is drying -- JAY just kinda sits there. I guess my hair is used to the stuff, and I should alternate it with another product that works well, to "compliment" my regime.