J/A/S/O/N updated their website...and a confession


old head
Jason finally updated their website with the new "salon" lines that were mentioned here on the board a while back.


I know this sounds crazy because I've been all hardcore Druide for a while, but....I wanna try the new Jason stuff :look: And honestly, I miss my Sea Kelp conditioner. I miss the way it smelled. And I miss having a little rainbow of Jason bottles lined up to choose from when I washed my hair.


My old Jason Rainbow *sniff*

Druide really is a very effective line, but it's not much fun. It was fun when I was first trying them because they were NEW, and I was so impressed with their performance. But now I have exactly 2 shampoos and 2 conditioners under the bathroom sink. That's IT. What kind of stash is that for an LHCF member to have??? TWO??
I don't know, y'all. I'm over at lifesvigor.com right now in another browser tab and I have a whole lot of stuff sitting in the shopping cart "just to look at"...

This is a cry for help.
Oh wow those new products look great! I want to check out the moisturizing line. But I cannot buy anything else.....I have a huge rubbermaid box of products I need to finish using. Awww the Jason rainbow is cute!
Well BC...my instinct is to advise you to resist since this was a cry for help, but I know what you mean about the J/A/S/O/N Sea Kelp & Biotin lines. I love 'em too.

BUT, if Druide has been working for you, why change that? If you've got a solid regimen that's keeping your hair in tip top condition, keep it. Girl, do you know how many PJ's around here would LOVE to only have two sets under their sink? :lol: That's not a bad thing. It means you've settled on what works and what's good for your hair.

But again, J/A/S/O/N IS wonderful...and your little rainbow is cute. :)

Decisions, decisions...

If you try the new line(s), let us know how they work!! I'm currently using their Sea Kelp and Biotin and I'll be interested in the new ones.

OMG...how can they get rid of the sea kelp. Thats not right at all, I hope I can find an old bottle.
I can truly understand where you're coming from! I always try other products for a while, then alway end up going back to the health food store for some J/A/S/O/N! It's so dependable and works well!
hmmm they look good! iv only got their rose water con. and i luv it. my local store still sell the old line (sea kelp etc...) so i know i need to try them fast!