I've graduated!!!

I've finally shampooed and conditioned my own hair! :clap: I did it last night after a very strenouous workout. I usually go to the salon or get my girlfriend to do it, but she wasn't availible. So I got in the shower and did the deed. I did the shampoo then used a deep conditioner and put a conditioning cap on my head for 15 minutes. Afterwards i washed it out and combed my hair straight, put it in two braids and sat beneath the dryer for about an hour. My hair came out shiny and looking pretty good. I used the Motions shampoo and conditioner (in the yellow and purple bottles) and just after conditoning i used some of the Motions anti-breakage moisterizer. My hair feels soooo good! So what if i look like Pochahontas today? :lol:
Congrats. I had my mom wash my hair for a long time so I know the feeling. So do you think it's something you could more often?
chocolate01 said:
Congrats. I had my mom wash my hair for a long time so I know the feeling. So do you think it's something you could more often?

Oh yeah. I'm definitely going to try to do it more. I really want to learn how to do a proper rollerset.
Congratulations! I know the feeling, when I first read your post I thought you had graduated from college almost the same feeling, when I first did my hair after reading everything from here, I could not believe I could do my own hair but after having several stylist mess your hair up believe me you learn quick.
Oops! :dizzy: I suppose it does sound like a school graduation thread. I didn't think about it when i was typing in the title. Didn't mean to be misleading.