I've got a new pic!!! LOOK ------->

Re: I\'ve got a new pic!!! LOOK ------->

Wow, your hair looks beautiful kiddo
Re: I\'ve got a new pic!!! LOOK ------->

Wow your hair looks great and the ends are super thick mkes me wanna start the bun challenge and endure the headaches.
Re: I\'ve got a new pic!!! LOOK ------->

Your hair looks nice. The ends are so thick. Keep up the good work.
Re: I\'ve got a new pic!!! LOOK ------->

Your hair has a nice shine to it. It's thick too. Very pretty hair.

--perfect peace
Re: I\'ve got a new pic!!! LOOK ------->

<font color="brown">Great pictures! You can definitely see progress, and the highlights and color really look nice.

Re: I\'ve got a new pic!!! LOOK -------&gt;

Wow, that's a nice amount of growth! Your hair looks great!
Re: I\'ve got a new pic!!! LOOK -------&gt;

Your hair looks so thick...and it's really growing. Nice job!
Re: I\'ve got a new pic!!! LOOK ------->

Thanks everybody!!!! Pics really help me see how I am doing. I can't wait to see where I'll be at in December!!!
Re: I\'ve got a new pic!!! LOOK ------->

Kamilla your hair looks great. It looks like it holds moisture well.
Re: I\'ve got a new pic!!! LOOK ------->

Kamilla, I'm so impressed with your hair.

Very nice indeed. So do you attribute the healthy, thick/full ends to wearing protective styles or do you do anything else to keep them in top shape? And the change in length in just one month is very noticeable
, so keep on doing what you're doing.
(And do tell us what that is, if you please.
Re: I\'ve got a new pic!!! LOOK ------->

I really don't have a regimin, and yes my hair is always in a ponytail or bun, so maybe that why I have thick ends. I don't trim regularly, just when needed. It feels weird how my hair is starting to hang down my back!! My younger sister's hair is longer than mine and very thick as well, (She's 14) maybe I'll post a pic of her hair.
Re: I\'ve got a new pic!!! LOOK ------->

wow kamilla thats some nice health yo hair has, that and the colour and the length and the shine look very nice!!!!
Re: I\'ve got a new pic!!! LOOK ------->

I can't see it! I'll try again soon...
Re: I\'ve got a new pic!!! LOOK ------->

Yes I see it now!!
It looks great! Keep up the good work!
Re: I\'ve got a new pic!!! LOOK ------->

nice thick ends and I definately see progress!! these are my favorite kind of pics!