I've given up & left it with God....


Well-Known Member
I've been praying for love, husband and kids for the past 3-4 years. In these three years my life was turned upside down. God started showing me things about myself and about others. He used situations to show me things i needed to change about myself and also got rid of people that were NOT good for me. It was a life changing experience. :yep:
I don't want to give up on my desires for a husband..yet, I'm so tired of thinking on it, begging & crying for it. :nono:

So last night I told God that I was leaving it in His hands and I know that He knows what my desires are so I"m letting it go. I"m not praying on it anymore, nor will I think on it.
I know in the bible it does state be in constant prayer on things but yet..I find the more i pray about it, the more I desire it and hope for it. Yet, I'm not seeing fruition and that breaks my heart. :ohwell: I just can't keep doing it anymore.

I just wanted to know from fellow Christians, what do you think on this? Do you have to be in constant prayer about something with God or is leaving it with God ok to do?
I know many people will have a different perspective on this issue but I'll give me two cents from my experience.

Sometimes we can want something so bad that God may question whether we want it more than we want Him. Exodus 20:5 says our God is a jealous God.

I encourage you to continue to pray to God for all that he has done and all he is going to do. Instead of focusing on what you do not have, focus on what you do have and express your love and gratitude to the Father for how well he has already taken care of you.

Think of your prayers as a seed. A seed most die before it can bring fruit. Its not to say stop praying for it but it does mean your need for a husband should. Your desire for a husband will never go away but your need for one may have to die and before you know it the man of your dreams appear.

Take this single period in your life to properly prepare yourself for marriage. There are tons of books and articles on how to prepare for a husband spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. And the funny thing I find about these books is they have little to do with the man. They focus so much on building up your need and desire for God that when your husband does come, you wont need him like you would have before.

I've been praying for love, husband and kids for the past 3-4 years. In these three years my life was turned upside down. God started showing me things about myself and about others. He used situations to show me things i needed to change about myself and also got rid of people that were NOT good for me. It was a life changing experience. :yep:
I don't want to give up on my desires for a husband..yet, I'm so tired of thinking on it, begging & crying for it. :nono:

So last night I told God that I was leaving it in His hands and I know that He knows what my desires are so I"m letting it go. I"m not praying on it anymore, nor will I think on it.
I know in the bible it does state be in constant prayer on things but yet..I find the more i pray about it, the more I desire it and hope for it. Yet, I'm not seeing fruition and that breaks my heart. :ohwell: I just can't keep doing it anymore.

I just wanted to know from fellow Christians, what do you think on this? Do you have to be in constant prayer about something with God or is leaving it with God ok to do?
I know many people will have a different perspective on this issue but I'll give me two cents from my experience.

Sometimes we can want something so bad that God may question whether we want it more than we want Him. Exodus 20:5 says our God is a jealous God.

I encourage you to continue to pray to God for all that he has done and all he is going to do. Instead of focusing on what you do not have, focus on what you do have and express your love and gratitude to the Father for how well he has already taken care of you.

Think of your prayers as a seed. A seed most die before it can bring fruit. Its not to say stop praying for it but it does mean your need for a husband should. Your desire for a husband will never go away but your need for one may have to die and before you know it the man of your dreams appear.

Take this single period in your life to properly prepare yourself for marriage. There are tons of books and articles on how to prepare for a husband spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. And the funny thing I find about these books is they have little to do with the man. They focus so much on building up your need and desire for God that when your husband does come, you wont need him like you would have before.

Yes, I want the NEED for a man to love me to go away..that I DO want.
Here is the simple yet not so easy answer: Change Your Thought Life.

Think of your mind as a radio receiver. All day long radio waves (or stations) are broadcasting to you. You want to desperately because you tuned into "Having a husband" station most of the time. Am I correct? You have become addicted to the station and its making you unhappy because its a constant reminder of what you dont have.

But God wants you to tune into his station, KGOD, 24hrs a day. Thinking about him and thanking him and desiring to be with him. You do this by reading your bible and applying the Word to your life, praising and worshipping with Him daily, making appointments and dates to just spend time with Him. This is how you build up your desire for him and decrease your desire for anyone or anything else.

I have learned to think of God as my man, truly. When I get a new man in my life, what do I do? I talk to him. I make time to spend alone with him. I talk about him to other people. I think about him around the clock. I get familiar with his likes and dislikes and make sure I am doing everything I can to please him. Would God want anything else from you? I doubt it.

Talk to him in prayer about your relationship with him. Make dates with God to spend time with Him alone. Talk to your friends and family about the love God has for you and the love you have for Him (if he's in your heart, he'll pour out of your mouth). Think about him and thank him always. Get familiar with his likes and dislikes so that your are righteous (doing whats right because its right) for Him. Let God be your man and your need for an earthly husband will begin to fade away.

Yes, I want the NEED for a man to love me to go away..that I DO want.
Here is the simple yet not so easy answer: Change Your Thought Life.

Think of your mind as a radio receiver. All day long radio waves (or stations) are broadcasting to you. You want to desperately because you tuned into "Having a husband" station most of the time. Am I correct? You have become addicted to the station and its making you unhappy because its a constant reminder of what you dont have.

But God wants you to tune into his station, KGOD, 24hrs a day. Thinking about him and thanking him and desiring to be with him. You do this by reading your bible and applying the Word to your life, praising and worshipping with Him daily, making appointments and dates to just spend time with Him. This is how you build up your desire for him and decrease your desire for anyone or anything else.

I have learned to think of God as my man, truly. When I get a new man in my life, what do I do? I talk to him. I make time to spend alone with him. I talk about him to other people. I think about him around the clock. I get familiar with his likes and dislikes and make sure I am doing everything I can to please him. Would God want anything else from you? I doubt it.

Talk to him in prayer about your relationship with him. Make dates with God to spend time with Him alone. Talk to your friends and family about the love God has for you and the love you have for Him (if he's in your heart, he'll pour out of your mouth). Think about him and thank him always. Get familiar with his likes and dislikes so that your are righteous (doing whats right because its right) for Him. Let God be your man and your need for an earthly husband will begin to fade away.

Yes, you ARE correct. Wow, thanks so much. :yep: I just had prayed about 10 min. ago for God to teach me how to need him and NOT a man. And here you come with the answer. Yes, the answer is simple but not easy. I'm going to make effort to do this. I know it'll be hard but I want to find joy in simply doing what is right in the eyes of God and that's to seek Him. Thanks again.
I challenge you to join this challenge


I believe it will bless you. Though I am just starting the challenge over the past few weeks I have been spending hours and hours with the Lord daily and I have to say its been so eye-opening. I desire my husband but I am in no rush. I want God to work with me first, make sure I am ready, and then when I am ready...then I can move to the next step.

Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart," Psalm 37:4.
I challenge you to join this challenge


I believe it will bless you. Though I am just starting the challenge over the past few weeks I have been spending hours and hours with the Lord daily and I have to say its been so eye-opening. I desire my husband but I am in no rush. I want God to work with me first, make sure I am ready, and then when I am ready...then I can move to the next step.

Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart," Psalm 37:4.

Wow, thanks :yep:. I just read the whole thread..what a blessing!!! I am so thankful for your kind words and for your guidance. :yep:
prettyfaceANB, you couldn't have put any better. :yep: Thank you for that post.

God wants us and ALL of us. I also believe he wants so badly to make us happy and give us the desires of our heart but within His perfect timing. Because any other way just wouldn't be right.

dodie, I can relate to your post in some ways. Recently, I have been constantly consumed with thoughts of a potential man who has resurfaced into my life. I have been praying about him and become entralled in thoughts of the family God will bless me with and my life with my husband.

I kept praying about the same things over and over again and wondered why I never heard anything in response. To make a long story short, God was speaking to me, but I just wasn't listening. There was no room for Him. I didn't create an atmosphere for Him to move and speak to my spirit. I was too busy thinking about how would it be like to finally have sex. (Sorry guys I have to keep it real up in here!!) I wasn't just busy with sexual thoughts but also how nice it would be to know NOW who he is, how nice it will finally be to have someone to love and comfort and vice versa.

It was a very humbling experience/night. God told me that He knows what I truly desire and who is best for me. I need to be patient and I still have a lot left to do for Him in my period of singleness. He told me he had to re-introduce the guy to "check me" and it allowed me to see how fast I forgot about Him. I was quite embarassed. There I was proclaiming Jesus as my one true awesome love and a phone call from a guy pulled me far away from him so fast!! He wants to make sure that I will still serve Him and love Him with the same intensity as he gives me the desires of my heart. Sorry if I rambled I just wanted to say that I feel you girl and we have to do whatever we must to remain connected to Him.

"---yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread." Psalm 37:25
I know I've posted these 10 insights in another post, but reading them is actually freeing, if you think deeply about them...they will eliminate lots of "potential" mates and show you just how special you are and that you cannot settle for less. It empowered me and demonstrated where I needed to build up myself rather than focusing upon WHO would love me. It offers you protection and peace simply through knowledge and biblically-based wise counsel. I hope you find them helpful and comprehend what I mean:

10 Ways to Marry the Wrong Person

With the divorce rate over 50 percent, too many are apparently making a serious mistake in deciding who to spend the rest of their life with. To avoid becoming a "statistic," try to internalize these 10 insights.

#1. You pick the wrong person because you expect him/her to change after you're married.

The classic mistake. Never marry potential. The golden rule is, if you can't be happy with the person the way he or she is now, don't get married. As a colleague of mine so wisely put it, "You actually can expect people to change after their married... for the worst!"

So when it comes to the other person's spirituality, character, personal hygiene, communication skills, and personal habits, make sure you can live with these as they are now.

#2. You pick the wrong person because you focus more on chemistry than on character.

Chemistry ignites the fire, but good character keeps it burning. Beware of the "I'm in love" syndrome. "I'm in love" often means, "I'm in lust." Attraction is there, but have you carefully checked out this person's character?

Here are four character traits to definitely check for:

Humility: Does this person believe that "doing the right thing" is more important than personal comfort?

Do I want to be more like this person? Would I like my child to turn out like him or her?

Kindness: Does this person enjoy giving pleasure to other people? How does s/he treat people s/he doesn't have to be nice to? Does s/he do volunteer work? Give charity?

Responsibility: Can I depend on this person to do what s/he says s/he's going to do?

Happiness: Does this person like himself? Does s/he enjoy life? Is s/he emotionally stable?

Ask yourself: Do I want to be more like this person? Do I want to have a child with this person? Would I like my child to turn out like him or her?

#3. You pick the wrong person because the man doesn't understand what a woman needs most.

Men and women have unique emotional needs, and more often than not, it is the man who just doesn't "get it." Jewish tradition places the onus on the man to understand the emotional needs of a woman and to satisfy them.

The unique need of a woman is to be loved -- to feel that she is the most important person in her husband's life. The husband needs to give her consistent, quality attention.

This is most apparent in Judaism's approach to intimacy. The Torah obligates the husband to meet the intimate needs of his wife. Intimacy is always on the woman's terms. Men are goal-oriented, especially when it comes this area. As a wise woman once pointed out, "Men have two speeds: on and off." Women are experience-oriented. When a man is able to switch gears and become more experience-oriented, he will discover what makes his wife very happy. When the man forgets about his own needs and focuses on giving his wife pleasure, amazing things happen.

#4. You choose the wrong person because you do not share a common life goals and priorities.

There are three basic ways we connect with another person:

chemistry and compatibility
share common interests
share common life goal
Make sure you share the deeper level of connection that sharing life goals provide. After marriage, the two of you will either grow together or grow apart. To avoid growing apart, you must figure out what you're "living for," while you're single -- and then find someone who has come to the same conclusion as you.

This is the true definition of a "soul mate." A soul mate is a goal mate -- two people who ultimately share the same understanding of life's purpose and therefore share the same priorities, values and goals.

#5. You choose the wrong person because you get intimately involved too quickly.

Intimacy before the commitment of marriage can be a big problem because it often precludes a fully honest exploration of important issues. Physical involvement tends to cloud one's mind. And a clouded mind is not inclined to make good decisions.

It is not necessary to take a "test drive" in order to find out if a couple is physically compatible. If you do your homework and make sure you are intellectually and emotionally compatible, you don't have to worry about it. Of all the studies done on divorce, incompatibility in the intimate arena is almost never cited as a main reason why people divorce.

#6. You pick the wrong person because you do not have a deeper emotional connection with this person.

To evaluate whether you have a deeper emotional connection or not, ask: "Do I respect and admire this person?"

This does not mean, "Am I impressed by this person?" We are impressed by a Mercedes. We do not respect someone because they own a Mercedes. You should be impressed by qualities of creativity, loyalty, determination, etc.

Also ask: "Do I trust this person?" This also means, "Is he/she emotionally stable? Do I feel I can rely on him/her?

#7. You pick the wrong person because you choose someone with whom you don't feel emotionally safe.

Ask yourself the following questions: Do I feel calm, peaceful and relaxed with this person? Can I fully be myself and express myself with this person? Does this person make me feel good about myself? Do you have a really close friend who does make you feel this way? Make sure the person you marry makes you feel the same way!

Are you afraid of this person in any way? You should not feel you need to monitor what you say because you are afraid of how the other person will view it. If you're afraid to express your feelings and opinions openly, there's a problem with the relationship.

Be on the look out for someone who is always trying to change you.

Another aspect of feeling safe is that you don't feel the other person is trying to control you. Controlling behaviors are a sign of an abusive person. Be on the look out for someone who is always trying to change you. There's a big difference between "controlling" and "making suggestions." A suggestion is made for your benefit; a control statement is made for their benefit.

#8. You pick the wrong person because you don't put everything on the table.

Anything that bothers you about the relationship must be brought up for discussion. Bringing up the uncomfortable stuff is the only way to evaluate how well the two of you communicate, negotiate, and work together. Over the course of a lifetime, difficulties will inevitably arise. You need to know now, before making a commitment: Can you resolve your differences and find compromises that work for both of you?

Never be afraid to let the person know what bothers you. This is also a way for you to test how vulnerable you can be with this person. If you can't be vulnerable, then you can't be intimate. The two go hand in hand.

#9. You pick the wrong person because you use the relationship to escape from personal problems and unhappiness.

If you are unhappy and single, you'll probably be unhappy and married, too.

If you are unhappy and single, you'll probably be unhappy and married, too. Marriage does not fix personal, psychological and emotional problems. If anything, marriage will exacerbate them.

If you are not happy with yourself and your life, take responsibility to fix it now while you are single. You'll feel better, and your future spouse will thank you.

#10. You pick the wrong person because he/she is involved in a triangle.

To be "triangulated" means a person is emotionally dependent on someone or something else while trying to develop another relationship. A person who hasn't separated from his or her parents is the classic example of triangulation. People can also be triangulated with things as well, such as work, drugs, Internet, hobbies, sports or money.

Be careful that you and your partner are free of triangles. The person caught in the triangle cannot be fully emotionally available to you. You will not be their number one priority. And that's no basis for a marriage.
Here is the simple yet not so easy answer: Change Your Thought Life.

But God wants you to tune into his station, KGOD, 24hrs a day. Thinking about him and thanking him and desiring to be with him. You do this by reading your bible and applying the Word to your life, praising and worshipping with Him daily, making appointments and dates to just spend time with Him. This is how you build up your desire for him and decrease your desire for anyone or anything else.

I have learned to think of God as my man, truly. When I get a new man in my life, what do I do? I talk to him. I make time to spend alone with him. I talk about him to other people. I think about him around the clock. I get familiar with his likes and dislikes and make sure I am doing everything I can to please him. Would God want anything else from you? I doubt it.

Talk to him in prayer about your relationship with him. Make dates with God to spend time with Him alone. Talk to your friends and family about the love God has for you and the love you have for Him (if he's in your heart, he'll pour out of your mouth). Think about him and thank him always. Get familiar with his likes and dislikes so that your are righteous (doing whats right because its right) for Him. Let God be your man and your need for an earthly husband will begin to fade away.
Thats riiiiight! :yep:
I kept praying about the same things over and over again and wondered why I never heard anything in response. To make a long story short, God was speaking to me, but I just wasn't listening. There was no room for Him. I didn't create an atmosphere for Him to move and speak to my spirit. I was too busy thinking about how would it be like to finally have sex. (Sorry guys I have to keep it real up in here!!) I wasn't just busy with sexual thoughts but also how nice it would be to know NOW who he is, how nice it will finally be to have someone to love and comfort and vice versa.

It was a very humbling experience/night. God told me that He knows what I truly desire and who is best for me. I need to be patient and I still have a lot left to do for Him in my period of singleness. He told me he had to re-introduce the guy to "check me" and it allowed me to see how fast I forgot about Him. I was quite embarassed. There I was proclaiming Jesus as my one true awesome love and a phone call from a guy pulled me far away from him so fast!! He wants to make sure that I will still serve Him and love Him with the same intensity as he gives me the desires of my heart. Sorry if I rambled I just wanted to say that I feel you girl and we have to do whatever we must to remain connected to Him.

"---yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread." Psalm 37:25

The enemy often sends counterfeits and this is my battle. Thank you for posting. You reminded me that I must be steadfast and unmovable with my relationship with the Lord. Something similar happened to me last night. I was contemplating letting this guy call me from college, he found me again in Facebook. But I have a no talking to boys for 6 months policy in effect. This could be a good thing but it could be the enemy looking for a foothold into my life. Glory to God. I was looking for an answer and I found it.
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I know I've posted these 10 insights in another post, but reading them is actually freeing, if you think deeply about them...they will eliminate lots of "potential" mates and show you just how special you are and that you cannot settle for less. It empowered me and demonstrated where I needed to build up myself rather than focusing upon WHO would love me. It offers you protection and peace simply through knowledge and biblically-based wise counsel. I hope you find them helpful and comprehend what I mean:

10 Ways to Marry the Wrong Person

With the divorce rate over 50 percent, too many are apparently making a serious mistake in deciding who to spend the rest of their life with. To avoid becoming a "statistic," try to internalize these 10 insights.

#1. You pick the wrong person because you expect him/her to change after you're married.

The classic mistake. Never marry potential. The golden rule is, if you can't be happy with the person the way he or she is now, don't get married. As a colleague of mine so wisely put it, "You actually can expect people to change after their married... for the worst!"

So when it comes to the other person's spirituality, character, personal hygiene, communication skills, and personal habits, make sure you can live with these as they are now.

#2. You pick the wrong person because you focus more on chemistry than on character.

Chemistry ignites the fire, but good character keeps it burning. Beware of the "I'm in love" syndrome. "I'm in love" often means, "I'm in lust." Attraction is there, but have you carefully checked out this person's character?

Here are four character traits to definitely check for:

Humility: Does this person believe that "doing the right thing" is more important than personal comfort?

Do I want to be more like this person? Would I like my child to turn out like him or her?

Kindness: Does this person enjoy giving pleasure to other people? How does s/he treat people s/he doesn't have to be nice to? Does s/he do volunteer work? Give charity?

Responsibility: Can I depend on this person to do what s/he says s/he's going to do?

Happiness: Does this person like himself? Does s/he enjoy life? Is s/he emotionally stable?

Ask yourself: Do I want to be more like this person? Do I want to have a child with this person? Would I like my child to turn out like him or her?

#3. You pick the wrong person because the man doesn't understand what a woman needs most.

Men and women have unique emotional needs, and more often than not, it is the man who just doesn't "get it." Jewish tradition places the onus on the man to understand the emotional needs of a woman and to satisfy them.

The unique need of a woman is to be loved -- to feel that she is the most important person in her husband's life. The husband needs to give her consistent, quality attention.

This is most apparent in Judaism's approach to intimacy. The Torah obligates the husband to meet the intimate needs of his wife. Intimacy is always on the woman's terms. Men are goal-oriented, especially when it comes this area. As a wise woman once pointed out, "Men have two speeds: on and off." Women are experience-oriented. When a man is able to switch gears and become more experience-oriented, he will discover what makes his wife very happy. When the man forgets about his own needs and focuses on giving his wife pleasure, amazing things happen.

#4. You choose the wrong person because you do not share a common life goals and priorities.

There are three basic ways we connect with another person:

chemistry and compatibility
share common interests
share common life goal
Make sure you share the deeper level of connection that sharing life goals provide. After marriage, the two of you will either grow together or grow apart. To avoid growing apart, you must figure out what you're "living for," while you're single -- and then find someone who has come to the same conclusion as you.

This is the true definition of a "soul mate." A soul mate is a goal mate -- two people who ultimately share the same understanding of life's purpose and therefore share the same priorities, values and goals.

#5. You choose the wrong person because you get intimately involved too quickly.

Intimacy before the commitment of marriage can be a big problem because it often precludes a fully honest exploration of important issues. Physical involvement tends to cloud one's mind. And a clouded mind is not inclined to make good decisions.

It is not necessary to take a "test drive" in order to find out if a couple is physically compatible. If you do your homework and make sure you are intellectually and emotionally compatible, you don't have to worry about it. Of all the studies done on divorce, incompatibility in the intimate arena is almost never cited as a main reason why people divorce.

#6. You pick the wrong person because you do not have a deeper emotional connection with this person.

To evaluate whether you have a deeper emotional connection or not, ask: "Do I respect and admire this person?"

This does not mean, "Am I impressed by this person?" We are impressed by a Mercedes. We do not respect someone because they own a Mercedes. You should be impressed by qualities of creativity, loyalty, determination, etc.

Also ask: "Do I trust this person?" This also means, "Is he/she emotionally stable? Do I feel I can rely on him/her?

#7. You pick the wrong person because you choose someone with whom you don't feel emotionally safe.

Ask yourself the following questions: Do I feel calm, peaceful and relaxed with this person? Can I fully be myself and express myself with this person? Does this person make me feel good about myself? Do you have a really close friend who does make you feel this way? Make sure the person you marry makes you feel the same way!

Are you afraid of this person in any way? You should not feel you need to monitor what you say because you are afraid of how the other person will view it. If you're afraid to express your feelings and opinions openly, there's a problem with the relationship.

Be on the look out for someone who is always trying to change you.

Another aspect of feeling safe is that you don't feel the other person is trying to control you. Controlling behaviors are a sign of an abusive person. Be on the look out for someone who is always trying to change you. There's a big difference between "controlling" and "making suggestions." A suggestion is made for your benefit; a control statement is made for their benefit.

#8. You pick the wrong person because you don't put everything on the table.

Anything that bothers you about the relationship must be brought up for discussion. Bringing up the uncomfortable stuff is the only way to evaluate how well the two of you communicate, negotiate, and work together. Over the course of a lifetime, difficulties will inevitably arise. You need to know now, before making a commitment: Can you resolve your differences and find compromises that work for both of you?

Never be afraid to let the person know what bothers you. This is also a way for you to test how vulnerable you can be with this person. If you can't be vulnerable, then you can't be intimate. The two go hand in hand.

#9. You pick the wrong person because you use the relationship to escape from personal problems and unhappiness.

If you are unhappy and single, you'll probably be unhappy and married, too.

If you are unhappy and single, you'll probably be unhappy and married, too. Marriage does not fix personal, psychological and emotional problems. If anything, marriage will exacerbate them.

If you are not happy with yourself and your life, take responsibility to fix it now while you are single. You'll feel better, and your future spouse will thank you.

#10. You pick the wrong person because he/she is involved in a triangle.

To be "triangulated" means a person is emotionally dependent on someone or something else while trying to develop another relationship. A person who hasn't separated from his or her parents is the classic example of triangulation. People can also be triangulated with things as well, such as work, drugs, Internet, hobbies, sports or money.

Be careful that you and your partner are free of triangles. The person caught in the triangle cannot be fully emotionally available to you. You will not be their number one priority. And that's no basis for a marriage.

Thank you, very encouraging.
The enemy often sends counterfeits and this is my battle. Thank you for posting. You reminded me that I must be steadfast and unmovable with my relationship with the Lord. Something similar happened to me last night. I was contemplating letting this guy call me from college, he found me again in Facebook. But I have a no talking to boys for 6 months policy in effect. This could be a good thing but it could be the enemy looking for a foothold into my life. Glory to God. I was looking for an answer and I found it.

Praise God! I had to delete my facebook account for that and other reasons.

If you don't mind could you elaborate on your "policy"? I'm curious and wondering whether that will help me in anyway...
Wonderful. I am glad you asked.

I am reading this book (I love books) called Your Knight and Shining Armor. This books prepares you for your husband by emphasizing being a complete person in the Lord before you can be whole in a marriage. The commitment in the beginning in the book is to devote 6 months to purify and sanctify yourself before the Lord. Your will be spending the next 6 months establishing your identity in Christ, getting to know and love yourself, establishing your standards, healing from all past wounds..etc...

During this time, you will not date. If you are getting married she encourages you to hold off until you are finished with this process. Its not about making sure you have the right guy (even though you may come to the conclusion he isnt), its about making sure YOU are everything you need to be before you become one with your husband. Its about being a complete person so you two can be whole together.

We are to mimic the process Queen Esther underwent. Before Esther was presented to her king, she went through a year of preparation. She spent 6 months with oil of myrrh and 6 months with perfumes and beautifying. Myrrh oil is a purification oil. Before we focus on making sure we look good on the outside, we must take time to clean up all the mess on the inside. When Esther was presented to her king, he loved her above all the rest and made her queen.

Its a small sacrifice to make for ALL the Lord has done for me. I started March 1, 2009 and it will end August 31, 2009. I also have let go of dating and will only court after all this but I will allow myself to have one-on-one conversations with guys. Some people may think I am doing too much but with all I've been through and for where I want to go in the Lord, BIG sacrifices are being made now.

If there's one thing I've learned from Christians that see God working on their behalf its that God honors obedience and sacrifices in his name.

Praise God! I had to delete my facebook account for that and other reasons.

If you don't mind could you elaborate on your "policy"? I'm curious and wondering whether that will help me in anyway...
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Wonderful. I am glad you asked.

I am reading this book (I love books) called Your Knight and Shining Armor. This books prepares you for your husband by emphasizing being a complete person in the Lord before you can be whole in a marriage. The commitment in the beginning in the book is to devote 6 months to purify and sanctify yourself before the Lord. Your will be spending the next 6 months establishing your identity in Christ, getting to know and love yourself, establishing your standards, healing from all past wounds..etc...

During this time, you will not date. If you are getting married she encourages you to hold off until you are finished with this process. Its not about making sure you have the right guy (even though you may come to the conclusion he isnt), its about making sure YOU are everything you need to be before you become one with your husband. Its about being a complete person so you two can be whole together.

We are to mimic the process Queen Esther underwent. Before Esther was presented to her king, she went through a year of preparation. She spent 6 months with oil of myrrh and 6 months with perfumes and beautifying. Myrrh oil is a purification oil. Before we focus on making sure we look good on the outside, we must take time to clean up all the mess on the inside. When Esther was presented to her king, he loved her above all the rest and made her queen.

Its a small sacrifice to make for ALL the Lord has done for me. I started March 1, 2009 and it will end August 31, 2009. I also have let go of dating and will only court after all this but I will allow myself to have one-on-one conversations with guys. Some people may think I am doing too much but with all I've been through and for where I want to go in the Lord, BIG sacrifices are being made now.

If there's one thing I've learned from Christians that see God working on their behalf its that God honors obedience and sacrifices in his name.

WOW. wow. Thanks so much for sharing!!! I think this is just what I need. God is SO worthy. Who is the author of that book?
Everytime I just let things go and completely give it over to God, things turn out much better.