I've come to you ladies for prayers and advice


New Member
Hello ladies,

I came to this board to ask for healing, prayer, and advice. I chose this particular board because you ladies are all so wise, loving, and prayerful. Here's my problem. Ever since I left the hospital from having my appendix removed I have been worried sick. I have been to the ER complaining of chest pains, headaches, and dissiness. They gave me a X-ray of my sinuses, a CAT scan of my head, and a EKG for my heart. The hospital stated that everything is fine.Should I believe the results? Ladies, why do I insist that something is still wrong with me? Everytime I think about my head, I instantly get a bad headache. I pray every night and I do have faith but my mind won't stop wondering if something is wrong. My friends say to me "Girl you better stop that", but they don't realize that I don't do it intentionally, it just pops in my head and makes me feel awful. How do I stop this? Can you ladies pray for me and also give me some advice as to how to stop this worrying. I know that worrying is destructive, but I am not trying to do it. Please Help?

Don't worry, be happy! Matthew 6:27 asks us "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?"

None of us can. With this in mind, let go and let God. :)

It is normal to worry. It's your body and it's natural to be a little frightened, but don't be consumed. Trust your heavenly Father to be The Captain of your destiny, knowing that everything He does is for your good. God has a plan for your life, and I believe it's to prosper you, not harm you! :yay:

Lay hands on yourself and speak healing over your mind and body. Don't let the enemy rob you of your joy by keeping you worried and burdened with things you have no control of. Delight yourself in the fact that God knows what's best.

I will lift you up in prayer, and I will pray for TOTAL healing in your life; mind and body!

Be blessed and healed, in the Mighty name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus! :kiss:
Wanda said:
Hello ladies,

I came to this board to ask for healing, prayer, and advice. I chose this particular board because you ladies are all so wise, loving, and prayerful. Here's my problem. Ever since I left the hospital from having my appendix removed I have been worried sick. I have been to the ER complaining of chest pains, headaches, and dissiness. They gave me a X-ray of my sinuses, a CAT scan of my head, and a EKG for my heart. The hospital stated that everything is fine.Should I believe the results? Ladies, why do I insist that something is still wrong with me? Everytime I think about my head, I instantly get a bad headache. I pray every night and I do have faith but my mind won't stop wondering if something is wrong. My friends say to me "Girl you better stop that", but they don't realize that I don't do it intentionally, it just pops in my head and makes me feel awful. How do I stop this? Can you ladies pray for me and also give me some advice as to how to stop this worrying. I know that worrying is destructive, but I am not trying to do it. Please Help?

I do not think that you have anything to worry about. It almost sounds like anxiety. But that is O.K. because God is in the business of healing people from that. His word commands us to be anxious for nothing as well as to cast down imaginations and things that try to exalt themself above what God says about us. God has given us a spirit of peace and a sound mind and this is what you need to confess. When these thoughts pop into your head, say what God's word says about the situation. When you resist the devil, he will flee. Another important thing to do is just praise Him. Easier said than done? I know, but do it anyway. Satan only knows that he is getting to us by our actions or response to what he throws at us. So praising God at this time would be puzzling to him. If he can't affect us, then he will leave us alone. And yes, I will pray for you too. :)
I know first hand how the enemy will try telling you that you are sick or something is wrong. I've had an illness that I've fought for over five years. I went from one doctor to the next with no relief, finally last month, I went to a specialis who went after the problem very aggressively, I've had no problem since and relief for the first time in over five years. But every now and then I find myself thinking, OMG, I'm feeling those same symptoms again, its coming back!! But before I panic, I just tell God thank you for my healing, I will not entertain the devil and his lies. I thank you Lord for my healing
I understand what you are experiencing. In 2001 I got very sick and came close to death. When I was finally released from the hospital I should have been joyful and I was, but I had an awful feeling that I would die in my home. My thoughts tormented me and it felt like torture. It's the work of the enemy. He's a liar and you have the authority to cast him back into the pit from whence he came!!! Don't believe his lies, whenever you get those thoughts send up praises to your heavenly Father who HAS delivered you.
I had a simillar situation after my c- section but not as extreme. At first I thought it was the hormones but then I saw it for what it was. After hearing messages on the way satan uses our mind as a battle field I went into action. I prayed, read the word and listened to good sermons but I was led to some scriptures that I would say out loud when I feel the fear coming and sometimes even when it was not as strong. I read the chapter to understand the context of the scripture I was quoting and let God speak to me to understand the truth of them. The ones I quoted most often were 2 Timothy 2:7, and Psalms 121 (I had learned the whole chapter as a child thank God), the incedences started getting less powerful until they actually stopped happening. Other good passages are Psalms 91 and I was led to this one a while ago so I'll write it out because it may be a message for you.

"Fear not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea I wil help thee; yea I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. .....
For I the Lord the God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, fear not; I will help thee. Isaiah 41:10 &13 "

I will pray for you too. If there is a underlying illness God will reveal it.
Be blessed.

I can't thank you ladies enough for all of your blessings and prayers. This morning I felt a pain coming on and before I started worrying, I immediately started praying and asking the lord to hold me and keep me healthy and strong. I rebuked the devil and cast him down to hell. I am constantly working on relieving this anxiety and stress and through you and my family and friends, I know I will succeed. Love you all!