I've come a long way Baby! 1 year pics

mika vs sasha

New Member
Hi Ladies-

I've updated my siggy with the link to my 1 year pics. I think my hair has grown a lot this year. Right now I'm 7 weeks post and I'll be updating my photo with pics after I get my relaxer. I would say that my hair has grown 6 inches this year, I'm really excited about it. Take a look and let me know your thoughts. I'm hoping to be APL by Aug 2007, wish me luck ladies.
OMG... what growth!! gurl you have come a long way. my hair was about the same length when i started too. i hope you post some dry hair pics soon. i can't wait!
Thanks for the compliment! I just checked out your album and your hair has grown a lot as well, keep it up. I'll update my photo gallery next weekend. I think I have about 2 inches of new growth, I'm anxious to see the results with my relaxer. I was just so anxious to post pics, I didn't care about my hair being wet.