I've been natural for one year!! (update)


old head
*Singing* "Do you know what today is? It's my nappiversary...my nappiversary.."
Ha! Now that song is going to be stuck in your head :lol:

That's right, it was one year ago today that I finally chopped off my relaxed ends and was left with 4.5 inches of coily fun :lol: It really doesn't seem like it has been so long. I guess I've just been keeping busy on LHCF.

I celebrated by spending most of the day blowdrying and flatironing so I could take progress pics; Not much of a celebration, really...more like hot, tiresome work. But I needed to do a trim anyway (ended up being more of a dusting because my ends weren't as bad as I thought :clap: ), and I wanted to get an official inch measurement. From scalp to ends I'm juuuuust shy of 12 inches, which means I've managed to keep almost 7.5 inches since my BC :weird:

I made a special Anniversary Album in the gallery.

Yaaaaaaaay! I made it! :grin: :grin: :grin:
Thank-you, ladies!!
Yes, I'm still co-washing (nearly) daily. I skip a day here and there but I'm mostly pretty diligent.
Congratulations Black Cardinal!!!! Your hair looks great! And that's great how you retained 7.5 inches of hair since your BC! BRAVO!
Wow! Your hair is really long. When was your last relaxer?
Oh, and I know all about those day long blowdrying/flatironing marathons. I have to prepare myself mentally for those days.
BlackCardinal your hair looks great! I've looked @ your pictures plenty of times and I'm still amazed @ your growth retention! Congrats on a year of natural hair growth and haircare!! :antlers:
My last relaxer was 2.5 years ago (I transitioned a year and a half before my big chop).
Thanks ladies!! My hair used to grow soooo slow, way less than the average rate, even while I was transitioning. I never would have thought about washing more frequently or even heard of any of my staple products if it weren't for LHCF! :kiss:
BlackCardinal said:
My hair used to grow soooo slow, way less than the average rate, even while I was transitioning. I never would have thought about washing more frequently or even heard of any of my staple products if it weren't for LHCF!

Wow, in that case I might need to start washing my hair daily!
Beautiful hair Black Cardinal! Your hair is long too - congratulations on retaining your length! :clap:
Congratulations Black Cardinal. Like so many here, I think your hair is beautiful and you've had amazing growth and retention. Love your photo albums too.
wow you have made amazing progress! I wish I was at that level. I am nowhere near it. I seriously need to get my hair did. My one year will bein june.
wowwwwwwwww BlackCardinal happy anniversary! your hair is awsome you grown and retained a lot i love your hair:eek: :p :D

BlackCardinal said:
*Singing* "Do you know what today is? It's my nappiversary...my nappiversary.."
Ha! Now that song is going to be stuck in your head :lol:

That's right, it was one year ago today that I finally chopped off my relaxed ends and was left with 4.5 inches of coily fun :lol: It really doesn't seem like it has been so long. I guess I've just been keeping busy on LHCF.

I celebrated by spending most of the day blowdrying and flatironing so I could take progress pics; Not much of a celebration, really...more like hot, tiresome work. But I needed to do a trim anyway (ended up being more of a dusting because my ends weren't as bad as I thought :clap: ), and I wanted to get an official inch measurement. From scalp to ends I'm juuuuust shy of 12 inches, which means I've managed to keep almost 7.5 inches since my BC :weird:

I made a special Anniversary Album in the gallery.

Yaaaaaaaay! I made it! :grin: :grin: :grin:
Wow..I have a NEW hair idol! Thanks for sharing your success! Your hair is beautifulll(that's with 3 L's)
Congrats! I remember the day of your BC. You're has has grown soooo much in a year! Keep doing what you're doing :up: