"I've Always Felt Like I Was A Boy"


With Love & Silk
Okay Sisters, I need you guys' help on this.

I know that homosexuality does not align with God's plan, but a sister at church said this to me the other day. I have known her for a long time. She is younger than me and probably for most of the time I've known her, she has dressed like a male and appears to be a male. Anyone who didn't know her "when" would have no idea that she was female. There is nothing about her that says female.

So we were talking the other night and I just outright asked her if she was a lesbian and she responded that she was just herself. (meaning yes) We talked more and that's when she told me she felt like she'd always been a boy. I had intended to speak to her in love about her apparent lifestyle, but I wasn't expecting this response from her.

I felt like who am I to tell her what she feels like. I have heard people say this before about their birth gender vs. the gender they feel they should be. I *know* that it's wrong, but how should I as a Christian respond to this or love someone through this and help them to see the light? So while I know that it's wrong, why do people have these seemingly real feelings about their gender?

It's almost as if this sister wasn't concerned about "getting with" another female, she just felt like she was a boy.
It sounds like she's transgendered.

There are thoughts that this could be genetic or something that happens prenatally. Sometimes other factors could be involved (social, etc.)

This is why I'm always very hesitant to say what's behind people's homosexuality/transgender situations because I think there's a lot more going on than many of us can understand. I've never felt that it's as simple as "choice" in every situation.
I will re-post later. Here is a brief answer. Last night I was studying the life of Abraham. It is an awesome story. As I studyed his family, all of his relatives were refered to as Syrians, while he is refered to as a Hebrew. God took Abraham out of this family and concecrated him unto his self. While I was reading this, the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said " He can change your whole DNA".

Your friend is in a struggle. Somewhere in her family history something took place that she does not even know about. Her task is to be obedient to God just as Abraham believed by Faith.
Okay Sisters, I need you guys' help on this.

I know that homosexuality does not align with God's plan, but a sister at church said this to me the other day. I have known her for a long time. She is younger than me and probably for most of the time I've known her, she has dressed like a male and appears to be a male. Anyone who didn't know her "when" would have no idea that she was female. There is nothing about her that says female.

So we were talking the other night and I just outright asked her if she was a lesbian and she responded that she was just herself. (meaning yes) We talked more and that's when she told me she felt like she'd always been a boy. I had intended to speak to her in love about her apparent lifestyle, but I wasn't expecting this response from her.

I felt like who am I to tell her what she feels like. I have heard people say this before about their birth gender vs. the gender they feel they should be. I *know* that it's wrong, but how should I as a Christian respond to this or love someone through this and help them to see the light? So while I know that it's wrong, why do people have these seemingly real feelings about their gender?

It's almost as if this sister wasn't concerned about "getting with" another female, she just felt like she was a boy.[/quote

I agree she seems to be dealing with a transgender issue. I don't know much about the transgender subject, but I believe this to be a spirit of confusion in someones life the work of the enemy. I'm looking forward to the responses because there are many who deal with feelings like this.
One of my best friends is a lesbian (she is not Christian). I've known her since we were 8 years old, and she came out when she was 19-20. She used to dress very feminine, but something was always off. She was a tomboy in middle school, but went girly in high school. Now she looks liks a full fledged butch, even her facial features seem more masculine, her body looks stocky.

It's very hard for me to imagine her in any way other than what/how she is. She's a dude plain and simple. Still the same sweet and hilarious person, but a dude. I do believe that homosexuality is a spiritual struggle, as is general lust, gluttony, depression, but I also feel that there is a biological component. Just like the lack of certain nutrients can cause someone to be chronically depressed, maybe in the womb certain individuals didn't receive a nutrient or something.

My thoughts are very muddled and confused on this issue.
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One of my best friends is a lesbian (she is not Christian). I've known her since we were 8 years old, and she came out when she was 19-20. She used to dress very feminine, but something was always off. She was a tomboy in middle school, but went girly in high school. Now she looks liks a full fledged butch, even her facial features seem more masculine, her body looks stocky.

It's very hard for me to imagine her in any way other than what/how she is. She's a dude plain and simple. Still the same sweet and hilarious person, but a dude. I do believe that homosexuality is a spiritual struggle, as is general lust, gluttony, depression, but I also feel that there is a biological component. Just like the lack of certain nutrients can cause someone to be chronically depressed, maybe in the womb certain individuals didn't receive a nutrient or something.

My thoughts are very muddled and confused on this issue.

Do you mean like a birth defect?
Do you mean like a birth defect?

Not a birth defect no. Like I said my thoughts are super muddled on the issue. More like something that affects behavioral patterns if that makes more sense, something (not necessarily nutritionally linked) that makes certain individuals geared towards the opposite gender in their brains, neurons IDK.
People who feel this way have my greatest sympathies. Our sexuality and understanding of our gender has a lot to do with the balancing of our hormones and brain chemicals, and I don't know that we can say specifically how or why it is that they feel that way. But to feel like you are a man trapped in a woman's body or the opposite has to be deeply confusing and painful. But, whatever the cause, we do know the the Lord is a great Healer and understands who they are, mind, body, and spirit. We just need to bring them to the knowledge of Him and let him work on the rest.
I am finally getting caught up in my reading and found this thread. I never thought to pray against the spirit of confusion or generational sins/curses. I always prayed for a healing from past sexual abuses and forgiveness from sexual deviance that opened the door to a spirit of lust and homosexuality.
I know this may be an unpopular opinion, but the same way Satan can attack you tommorrow, I believe he can attack you as a child, or even while in your mother's womb.
I believe that homosexuality is a spiritual attack, and when I hear people say, " I was born that way, or I have felt this way since I was a kid, etc. etc." I just immediately think, No Satan attacked you, the same way Jesus knew us while we were still in the womb, I believe Satan has a plan to destroy you as well, and this is the method he uses to get to certain people, it just comes at a younger age.....jmho.
I know this may be an unpopular opinion, but the same way Satan can attack you tommorrow, I believe he can attack you as a child, or even while in your mother's womb.
I believe that homosexuality is a spiritual attack, and when I hear people say, " I was born that way, or I have felt this way since I was a kid, etc. etc." I just immediately think, No Satan attacked you, the same way Jesus knew us while we were still in the womb, I believe Satan has a plan to destroy you as well, and this is the method he uses to get to certain people, it just comes at a younger age.....jmho.

I agree with you on this.

I do not believe God wants confusion in our lives. Every good gift is from God and every bad idea/ issue is from the devil period. How it occured, or the avenue the devil chose/chooses is another matter entirely.
God is still in the business of deliverance, and there are people called to this special ministry to help minister light to this topic.