It's war!


Well-Known Member
Ladies, my scalp has suddenly declared war!

I'm week 12 post relaxer and I was planning on relaxing this week. Heck, I was REALLY planning to do it last week, but my scalp is dry and on FIRE! My scalp is so itchy, I end up scratching, and I can't relax. I had to sit on my hands to prevent myself from getting down and dirty with my nails at work.

For the past couple of weeks, I've been using Suave Citrus Smoothie when I CW every 2-3 days. I'm not having trouble with the combout (w/ the exception of the DRED issue that I had last week), but my scalp is getting very itchy. I'm not seeing any flaking, do you think that this could be my scalp's reaction to an ingredient in the conditioner? Or is this itching a common thing for those who stretch for a long time?

I must relax my hair pretty soon - my shedding is under control now, but there are no guarantees for the future. Anybody have any ideas? TIA!
what I do is a modified co wash. I slather on a ton of conditioner on my ends and then I only shampoo my scalp. THis way I get a nice clean scalp and my ends are moisturized and soft this helps me glide thru my NG.
