It's time for the big payback



It\'s time for the big payback

My best friend who wears her hair in a ponytail all the time finally went and got her hair professionally done. I must admit I was hating because it looked so bouncy, shiny and gorgeous. This was the same friend I mentioned many posts ago who had raggedy ends and was bragging she didn't need to take vitamins because she already had too much hair to deal with. Anyway, here's where the funny part comes in. My hair has grown to the same length and probably longer since she's 5'1and I'm 5'10. Anyway, I am so, so tempted to take my braids out and get my hair pressed or even relaxed just to finally show off to her like she has done for years. Sorry, but I just had to get that off my chest!
Re: It\'s time for the big payback

I understand BUT don't do it gurl, not until your really time you'll have your chance!
Re: It\'s time for the big payback

I hear you, but wait a little longer, or even until you reach your hair goal (if you have one) and you'll really have something to show. I'll be honest too, I get a little jealous sometimes. There was a girl in my English class who had the healthiest, thick permed hair I've ever seen. It looked so good that I've had thoughts about getting a perm again. I'm not saying that permed hair can't be healthy or thick, but I just haven't seen too many girls with that combination.
Re: It\'s time for the big payback

Legs I know what you're saying girl, but just hold out that bit longer. It will be worth it.

When you do you better post about it girl.
Re: It\'s time for the big payback

Hold out, like the others suggested. Then' when she's not expecting it- BAAM, flaunt your locs and what for all thw OOHHS' and AWWS.

LondonDiva I love those pics of Ms. Jada. Those boots are banging