It's the little things that mean the most!

Miss AJ

New Member
What are some of the little things your other half does that let you know he loves u? Mine cleaned boogies out my nose yesterday lmao!!
He locks the door when he leaves (wait I had to add that he never locked before)
He tells people what I like (I like that he knows me well enough to do this)
He gave me the key to his house
He'll cook for me at midnight if I say I'm hungry (I'd make him a samich)
He attemps to sit still for 2 mins to unbraid my hair
He never tells me to take out my Celie braids even if we're going out. WTH?
He fits me in all his future plans
He loves to see me interact with his mom and her sisters > makes me happy that he likes that
He'll chat with me in the bathroom when I'm doing #dos (is that TMI?)
He takes my suggestions about his daughter seriously

Hmmm.....these are not that little to me like a boogie though lol
I think he's done that before hmmm....
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Lol! I sat there like a kid and let him do it too lol. I can't think of any other seemingly small things that mean a lot to me. I do remember during one argument he asked me if he was gonna have to hold my hand the rest of my life. Hindsight being 20/20, that question puts a smile on my face even though I was HOT when he said that lol.
He amazes me with little things. Before we started dating I always thought he was aloof, nonchalant. I called him that not too long ago and he said with a serious face "I'm not nonchalant with you." He's right. I love it!

One example is about a week ago I was at his house all day for a sort of movie marathon/chill day. We both try to eat well and this was our cheat day. When he pulled out my favorite soda I jokingly (because I know he doesn't have any) asked "do you have a straw?" It was just a random comment--half the time I'm thinking he doesn't even hear me. Then a couple of days ago I'm at his house waiting for him to get home from work and he had stopped at the store and got a pack of straws!! He looked at me like I was a weirdo because I made the biggest deal over those straws. I just thought it was really sweet. lol

The last guy I jokingly asked about straws said "well, bring some then *straight mean face*" :sad: Straws are a thing with me because I like dark liquids and white teeth :look:

Oh, one time we were going to a comedy show and I had been sick earlier in the week. I was feeling better by this time but I coughed a couple of times at dinner before the comedy show. He stopped us at a Whole Foods and said he was going to run in and get me some cough drops for the show. Like, that would neeeeeeeeeeeeeever occur to me to do that for someone. Or myself, really. Why wouldn't I think of cough drops? Normally I just let the cough wear out :look: Anyway, IDK if he was being sweet or didn't want my cough to get in the way of him enjoying the jokes :look: but I was like awwwww. Thaaaaaaaaaaaank yoooooooooooooou. lol
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Oh! And we play Words with Friends. I made the word "marry" and he chatted me back in the Words With Friends box "marry" with a blush smiley face. I screencapped it and showed it to my mom :look: Still have it saved in my camera :look:
He likes my hair :yep:... he likes to touch it, smell it, pull it :wiggle:, he will even wash it and braid it for me upon request (he's a barber)
He takes in my hair information and practices them with his own hair and able to give other people advice and admit he learned it from me. Which I thought would bore him but he actually listens, he cleaned my nose once or twice and when I'm watching tv or on the web he stares at me and in my peripherals I can see his eyes is sparkling looking at me like he is appreciative he has me and I hear I love you numerous times of the day
Yep I know that look but I don't hear I love you like that....I think I'd like to. Maybe after our second year together I'll say it more :)
he tells me several times a day. srsly, at least 15 times.:lol:

he does really gross things and is completely unfazed by it. for example, he'll see that my nose is running, wipe it with his hand :barf: and then try to start an intense make out session. or see that i have dry skin on my lips and attempt to bite it off.:nono:

he cooks for me.:infatuated: or he'll bring me food from home. yesterday he brought me 4 different dishes.

he buys food for my apartment.

he massages my gross feet!

he asks if im pooping regularly.:lachen: if not, he'll suggest fiber rich foods.
Lol he's concerned about your bowels too?? That's funny lol. I noticed when my man speaks of future endeavors, he always says 'we'. He's also been looking at houses that are close to my job :-)
Oh wow! Yea yours definitely loves you lol. We aren't that far in our relationship but I I can ever get him to shave my vjj, I KNOW it's real lol!
I never thought too much about the little things, but I smile back when he applied my coconut/yogurt treatment to my hair. I am sighing now thinking about that, it was cute moments and such when he cooks for me. Love his coconut buns which he argues are bakes. Seriously they are shaped as dinner buns. I love teasing him on that and get his buttons going on. :lol:

His consideration when I am sick, calling or coming by to see if I am alright. Those things I appreciate.

Hmm he has wiped my vj afterwards, but never much thought of it as endearing, until you ladies mentioned that. lol.
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Lol the reason I asked us cuz my SO isnt vocal very often about his feelings but they come out through his actions or I pick up on things he says that let me know how he really feels. I didn't even know he was looking at houses near my job, that came up out of nowhere. Plus, these are future plans he's drumming up ideas for which is another shocker. On a great day I can get him to put his mushiness into words lol but I can tell how deep his feelings run without him saying a word :-)
He always answers his phone. Even if it's to say he is in a meeting and he will call me back. This is so important to me.

In our 12 years together he did not answer his phone twice. I started worrying that he was dead or in a RTA. He had forgotten it at home on both occasions...
So much! We talk and see each other just about everyday, so we always start the day by saying, "I like you today" and the other will respond "I like you too!" Hearing those words from him or getting that text from him ALWAYS sets my day straight.
He always answers his phone. Even if it's to say he is in a meeting and he will call me back. This is so important to me.

In our 12 years together he did not answer his phone twice. I started worrying that he was dead or in a RTA. He had forgotten it at home on both occasions...

This really stood out to me. Wow.

So little to someone else but that is a BIG deal. 12 years and only 2 times?

Incredibly rare to find a man that would make himself that available to a woman.