It's that time again...Asha's Product Review


Well-Known Member
Asha's New Product Review

Hi all:

Happy New Year! I've been trying out a few of Asha's new products for maybe a month or little longer. This stuff is G-O-O-OO-OOO-D! Two of my now, favorites are Roots and Silk Rose.

ROOTS: Ok, the scent is intoxifying number one. You'll have all types of people commenting on how good you smell. I've finished up a whole bottle which lasted me about a month, used daily by choice, however, instructions say to use 3 to 4 days a week, no more than once daily. It comes in a spray bottle, and because it is a an oil, the spray comes out "streaming". This allows you to get it directly on the scalp as you part the hair where it belongs. No worrying about having a *mist* type spray where you cannot control the application as much. The feel of the oil is non greasy at all. Very light and silk like to touch and adds sheen to the hair.
Effects: My scalp has become well conditioned and you can see the healthiness in it. I know I'm creating a nutritious garden for my hair to grow in. The new growth is growing in soft, and strong. As I am doing my scalp massages, I can feel the thickness of the new hair, and it just looks very healthy. I haven't done any exact measuring to test out the increase in growth rate, but I've been getting compliments every other day for the past few weeks or so regarding my hair and how fast it grows. I'm so in love with this stuff, and am on my second bottle. I just can't stick with the vitamin regimine, so this is my alternative. It's a keeper!

SILK ROSE: What I noticed about this leave in compared to others of similar composition is that it doesn't leave a film or residue feeling on the hair or hands. Other glycerin type leave in's I've tried left my hands feeling sticky and coated, but this one, not at all. I'm left with a clean feeling, shiny well conditioned, smell good hair. Not only that, but I've been able to give my hair a good spraying with this stuff, diffuse, and go without an "curl enhancing" purposed product. It keeps the natural curl definition and high shine with no crunchiness. It instantly softens the hair and the smell of fresh roses is beautiful and not too strong at all. This is good for anyone wanting a natural detangler and leave in, or a water based spray to boost your "do" in the AM.

The site is

Happy haircare and growing!
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Re: Asha's New Product Review

Sounds like your hair loves these. Thanks for the reviews girly. I hope all is well. Happy New Year. :)
Re: Asha's New Product Review

Allandra said:
Wow girl. Your twists look so P R E T T Y ! :up:

Oh no, they are retarded! BUT, I'm proud of them anyway because I actually got the twists in!!! I'm going to keep at it, hopefully it will get better.

Re: Asha's New Product Review

Allandra said:
Sounds like your hair loves these. Thanks for the reviews girly. I hope all is well. Happy New Year. :)

They are working very well for me. Outside of work and busy season (an auditors Hell), things are well. Happy New Year to you too!!!
I totally agree that Asha's products are wonderful! Not trying to hijack your post, but the Sun Kissed pomade and Coco de Leche hair lotion are great products also.
ATLwavylocks said:
I totally agree that Asha's products are wonderful! Not trying to hijack your post, but the Sun Kissed pomade and Coco de Leche hair lotion are great products also.

I will co-sign on those as well!
I checked out her website. Her body / bath products look wonderful. I may have to give some of them a try.
Your hair is lovely...I checked it out earlier...

Are these products available in stores?
PhonyBaloney500 said:
What about the Mane Attraction? Did you try that?

What's the best moisturizer she offers? :)

I have tried it. I prefer the CdL only because it's lighter for how I usually style my hair, which is wash and go's, however, I will use it sometimes to hold my hair back when I want more control, or twisting, which is something new I'm doing...

Thank you for this wonderful review!

For those of you who would like to give the Coco de Leche a try, I'm offering free samples to the first 20 people from this forum.

Please send me a pm and include your mailing address.

I'll post again, once I've received all requests.

Again, thanks for the review! ;)
HI Asha97,

What is Coco de Leche? Is it some kind of moisturizer b/c I am looking for one. Right I'm only using olive oil and coconut oil. I'm transitioning and i don't know if that's enough b/c my hair is always dry.
Have any relaxed people tried her products?

Where is Asha by the way...........? I guess she's busy running her business.....

smooches girl if you're out there....:kiss:
dst894 said:
HI Asha97,

What is Coco de Leche? Is it some kind of moisturizer b/c I am looking for one. Right I'm only using olive oil and coconut oil. I'm transitioning and i don't know if that's enough b/c my hair is always dry.

Yes, it is a light moisturizer.

You can read the reviews for the Coco de Leche and other products.

If you'd like to receive a free sample, there are a few spots left, so please forward to me your mailing address in a pm.

Thanks! :)


I have texturized customers who use CdL and relaxed ladies who use both MA and SK with no problems.

If you haven't already, send me your mailing address and I'll send you also a sample of the CdL.

Thanks and much love to you too!
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All requests have been accounted for. Samples will be shipped out on Monday, January 24, 2005.

Thanks Ladies!

Asha ;)
I loved it!!!! Nice smell and not greasy at all..nice and light and moisturized well!!

You guys do know that she's having a sale where shipping is only $5 right?:lol:
I love the Coco de leche. It smells wonderful and it leaves my hair so soft and shiny, a little goes a long way. I can't wait to dry the body products. (What I can't wait to try is the Godiva soap)
