It's so unfair (Newbie Rant)


Well-Known Member
I have been a natural for almost 10 years but I have never been longer than shoulder length (which thanks to LHCF I hope will no longer the case) but my friend will grow her hair to BSL in no time. Before LHCF I just figured it was because she is a 3a/b but now I know she has healthy hair practices but c'mon she grew her hair from a little below shoulder length to waist-length in a little over a year! She was pregnant but still :wallbash:. I saw her over Thanksgiving and she's cut her WL to a cute BOB!!! It's not fair. It's probably a little crazy of me but I haven't been able to get it out of my head. I've been on the forum since May and I've following the suggestions and I have seen some growth but there is no way I could do what she did. Like I said -- it's unfair!!:cry3:
:welcome4: On the rest, dems the breaks Missy. Be happy w/ what you got, take good care of it, and surely more will come. :yep:
That's life...................However, just be patient and consistent and you too will get there someday.

I know it may be hard but try your best not to compare yourself to others. Not with hair, or anything else. It does nothing for you.

You're going to get some healthy hair practices of your own, and YOUR hair is going to thrive and YOUR hair is going to grow in healthily and that will be that. :)

I have accepted that my hair doesn't grow anywhere close to the rate of some people's :yep: You'll reach your goal eventually :grin:
Thanks ladies. I know you are right but still....She's not on the forum but she buns, trims only when needed, and uses the best products. I was a big wash and goer and never slept with a scarf or satin pillowcase so I had ssks and split ends plus I would get heat happy ocassionally but I am doing everything differently (I even made the wig in my siggy for my primary protective style.) However, since may I've had about 1 inch of growth
Welcome to the forum hun. With time, patience and excellent care your hair will thrive and grow to lengths you previously thought impossible, so hang in there and focus on your goals!!

The less time you spend worrying about another head, the more you can spend nurturing your own :yep:

What's your hair type and reggie so far?

I know it may be hard but try your best not to compare yourself to others. Not with hair, or anything else. It does nothing for you.

You're going to get some healthy hair practices of your own, and YOUR hair is going to thrive and YOUR hair is going to grow in healthily and that will be that. :)


I agree totally with what Whimsy says.

As the others have said, you can't compare yourself to anyone else.

Learn your hair, love your hair, and with time your hair will grow. Some people here have a slower growing than average, and some have faster. Every one is different.

WELCOME and enjoy your stay, tweek your hair care to make your hair happy and healthy.
Awww its okay :bighug: Welcome to the board!

Sometimes it does seem unfair, at least with your friend there are logical explanations, looser curl, healthy hair practices and quality products.

I have a cousin who has type 4 hair, sleeps with a cotton headscarf, relys completely on a sub-par dominican salon almost never DC's gets her hair blown from root to tip every wash to the point that smoke is bellowing and despite all that, her hair is a blunt healthy MBL effortlessly, as a matter of fact she has to cut it back up to MBL but sometimes it gets away from her and inches toward WSL:rolleyes:....some people have fast hair growth and take good care of their hair, some people make zero effort at all and have resilient long healthy hair.....its just the way the cookie crumbles.

I had to have a solid reggie to retain the length I have, its not complicated, but I stick to the fundamentals. The key is patience, your hair is always growing...... always. Just be sure you're doing the right things to retain every last millimeter you grow and before you know it, you'll reach your goal. Its always healthier to just focus on your own growth potential then to compare yourself to others, especially the exceptions.

If you know your a slow grower then look into improving your diet as much as possible for example every day I have eggs on 12 grain bread, I often have yogurt and regularly eat lean poultry or salmon you also might want to start taking a vitamin like GNC Nourish Hair.

Either way welcome to this forum, you'll find a wealth of helpful tips and guidance I wish you success in all your goals!
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But I just have to say...I don't think anything is unfair about the situation.
From the sounds of it, her hair does grow quickly, but I think it's more that she was simply doing her hair thang and you weren't. I mean..if someone goes to the gym every day while I'm laying in my house eating cookies, would it not be fair for them to lose weight while I gain? Homegirl put in the work, so let her reap her rewards. :yep:

And now that you know better, you'll do better, and you'll see your rewards as well. HHG! :bighug:
Thanks for the encouragement ladies. I have been lurking for so long that I feel that I know all of you! I have definitely turned over a new leaf and I hope that my 1/4 inch per month will eventually get me to BSL and longer.
Thanks ladies. I know you are right but still....She's not on the forum but she buns, trims only when needed, and uses the best products. I was a big wash and goer and never slept with a scarf or satin pillowcase so I had ssks and split ends plus I would get heat happy ocassionally but I am doing everything differently (I even made the wig in my siggy for my primary protective style.) However, since may I've had about 1 inch of growth

The bolded could be part of the reason that you haven't seen as much growth as you'd like. However, things are different now: you've joined the forum (YAY!!!), and you're taking better care of your hair.

Like Whimsy and other posters have mentioned, everyone has a different growth rate & everyone's hair has different tolerance levels. As soon as you find the right products & techniques for you, you'll be skipping down the long and healthy hair lane.

Welcome aboard!!!:yep:
O guess i will be sirprised if she didn't have healthy hair practices ... that's the key, i'm glad you find the board so you will develop good hair practices as well and you will be able you reach your goals,

If you look at others and judge yourself by their standards, you will always be disappointed. This journey is about YOU! From now on, adopt tunnel vision and focus on what you need to do to get your hair where you'd like it to be. Set your own standards, work towards exceeding them, and at the end of the day, you will be a much happier, fulfilled person.

One day at a time chica. We are here for you and are glad you came on board :)