It's safe to get your hair done in the country!

Re: It\'s safe to get your hair done in the country

What a wonderful experience, Tracy!

That is truly what a visit to the salon should be like
. I'm esp. glad you were able to share your goals and concerns and not have her get weird on you. Thanks for the story!
Re: It\'s safe to get your hair done in the country

You took your chances and it worked out for you. I am happy to hear you were pleased with your experience.
Re: It\'s safe to get your hair done in the country!

Hey! I am a country girl!!!! Anyway....I went to the same salon a few years ago. I liked it. I didn't know that was the black side of town....I'm glad it worked out for you.
Re: It\'s safe to get your hair done in the country!

Glad things turned out so well, Tracy
You really seem to be finding your niche in Charlotte
Re: It\'s safe to get your hair done in the country!

I'm so happy for you, it's nothing like being satisfied with a salon service.
Re: It\'s safe to get your hair done in the country!

Im glad things went so well! I'm sure your hair is beautiful
Re: It\'s safe to get your hair done in the country!

This is good to know, since I may be visiting North Carolina and may need to get my hair done. Glad everyting went well for you.
Re: It\'s safe to get your hair done in the country!

It's great that you had a good experience.