It's Pouring


Well-Known Member
Ladies, I am going through so much right now, most of which I cannot post. I find myself being angry with God. I know better but cannot help it. Please pray for me and my family.

:grouphug2 :

Of course, Loved One... Praying for you and your family. The strength of God shall never desert you, nor His love for you. And your prayers of hope have reached His ears and even more...they have reached His heart.

Love you much, Dear Sister. ...Love you much.

How are you and family members doing?

We are hanging in there. Thanks for asking. It happened so suddenly and even the doctors don't have much of an explanation. I wish I could've found out sooner and tried to get a POA and move her to another hospital for a 2nd opinion. Shoulda woulda coulda.
Update ladies. Things are so much better right now. The family member died and there's no undoing that of course. However, she was a strong woman of God and always expressed the desire to be with her maker. So we weep that we miss her, but we do not miss her because we fear for her soul. She lived a very full life in all respects so its not those types of deaths where you feel short-changed or weep for what could've been.

The other things that were making me upset were resolved for the better. Of course there are still other struggles but nothing like what was going on when I first posted. Life is back to "normal" struggles. Thank you for your support and prayers.