It's Official, I'm a Tekky (MT user), get in here I need your advice


Well-Known Member
Hey all my fellow Tekkies, I can really use your help right now. I'm an 8 wk post relaxed head and started using the product on 09/08. I already have a half inch of ng and I'm trying to stretch it out for another 4 - 8 weeks. (I hope I make it). Anyway, I'm beginning to experience some shedding a little more than normal but I'm guessing that it may be due to the new product. I am aware that this does happen for some people that are using the products. I'm trying to combat it inside and out. I've used QH Garlic Poo and I'm also taking a garlic supplement. I will see how this work out. I need some advice on the following:
1) I want to see results of the MT after 8 wks- Debating on whether or not to relax now or continue to stretch for another 8 wks and compare the results? :pullhair:

2) I want to grow my hair to my first goal -bsl- Debating on whether or not to trim now or wait until I achieve the bsl length, by the way, my last trim was 03/08, my hair is cut in long layers.

3) Any advice on a good moisturizing deep conditioner with little or no protein....don't want to overload.:think:

4) I'll definitely take any suggestions to any hairstyles that help hide the ng, right now, I'm just slicking it back into a pony and tying down those edges (if I don't you'd think that I have on a special helment--LOL)

Well, I will try to help you with what I can. As far as how long you should use, do it at least three months to give time to see real results.

I have been using Mane and Tail conditioner. So far I like it. I wash my hair twice a week and I let the conditioner sit on my hair with a plastic cap on for about ten minutes.

Hopefully others can help you with your other questions. Good luck and happy growing.
1) I want to see results of the MT after 8 wks- Debating on whether or not to relax now or continue to stretch for another 8 wks and compare the results? :pullhair:

2) I want to grow my hair to my first goal -bsl- Debating on whether or not to trim now or wait until I achieve the bsl length, by the way, my last trim was 03/08, my hair is cut in long layers.

3) Any advice on a good moisturizing deep conditioner with little or no protein....don't want to overload.:think:

4) I'll definitely take any suggestions to any hairstyles that help hide the ng, right now, I'm just slicking it back into a pony and tying down those edges (if I don't you'd think that I have on a special helment--LOL)

I'm 6wks. post relaxer, I've been MT almost 3wks, originally I planned on stretching until at least 10wks. , but OMG I have soooo much NG , I'm barely making it to 8wks., which I normally do with ease. I will say cowashing does seem to help tame the beast lol:lachen:, but it's getting harder & harder to hold down a bun , I'm type 4a/b, if I make a pony while I'm still damp & full of product , then tie it down it lays ok I guess , my hair doesn't like when I stretch for too long, I WILL be hunting down some perm like a hawk in the next few wks.:yep: I wouldn't be so quick to trim just yet, however I would dust a little off the ends if they are severely damaged.
just my 2 cents.
I agree with you, I'm not sure if it's my hair or me that don't like to stretch to long. When I do try to stretch, my head gets sore and then I begin to get headaches. I guess I'll take my q from when my head start to get sore.

Maybe that's another thread- Does your head get sore from stretching, or is there a thread already for this, please help?
Hey RockCreak!!! I see you bought the MT! Did you get it from the R&D place I was telling you about? I wish you the best of luck w/this!!!:grin: