It's Official...I am Done with Hair and Hair Stylist


Well-Known Member
So I wanted a change and did not have time to do my hair myself nor did I feel like it so I paid a stylist to come to my home and give me a sewn in weave on my short 4bb natural hair. So While she was braiding it, I told her not to do it too tight but as my mind was pre occupied because I was on the phone with clients the whole time, I honestly wasn't paying attention. So a day and a half later, I just had to take that sucker out cause the pain was too much. My scalp felt like little needles were stabbing it all over..that's how tight and painful the sewn in weave was. As I took the weave out, I have very painful sores all over my scalp and lost patches of hair from where she connected the extension hair to my hair in corn-rolls.

Wow!!!! just imagine had I left it in for the 2 months I had planned to keep the style. My hair would have been gone, making it BC # 6

My head is so sore, I still feel the sharp pain like needles in my scalp. Money wasted, time wasted, hair lost :wallbash: I should have just done my hair myself since I know how to braid hair and weave myself :nono: I can't even touch my head! Now what do I do? Sooooooooooooooooooo many hair set backs...I just want to throw in the towel :perplexed
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Oh, my. I'm so sorry to hear this. I can only imagine that your head feels like fire:nono:

I would be taking pictures of my scalp, taking them to the salon owner or whoever did your hair and requesting compensation. Nothing like a good threat of small claims court to make people listen.

If you have any aloe vera on hand, rub that on your scalp. That will at least help with the burning sensation. At night, oil your scalp (i like jojoba or emu oil for my scalp) so it doesn't get dry. Try not to scratch your scalp.

I'm sure some of the other ladies will chime in to offer advice.
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Aww Chi Chi, I'm sorry that happened to you. (((HUG))) If you're still looking for a change, maybe you can purchase a wig. That way, you'll still change up your look yet won't cause any further trauma to your scalp. Maybe a little pure aloe vera on the scalp will help with the sores and tenderness. HTH and good luck.
I am so sorry this happened! ITA w/ JLove, pics and small claims court. In the meantime, baby your scalp and hair like never before, wear wigs or half-wigs. Keep your chin up, chica!
I've been there a time or ten; sorry you're having to go through this.

I'm with JLove; go back in that shop and show them what they did to you. You deserve some compensation for that.
I know how you feel- tight braids/sew ins can damage your hair severely! Good for you for removing them. Everyone has offered great advice as well. Sometimes we just got to leave the braids and weaves alone for a minute- I know it was hard for me but using a 1/2 or full wig can help you HTH without the follicle damage tight now.
Please keep us posted and NEVER give up. We are in this together! :grin: