It's my one year Nappyversary today!!!!


Active Member
Hey! :wave:

I've been an LHCF member for over a year now and not long after I joined I decided to transition then did the BC. It's been one year already and I managed to reach one of my goals, which was a pony puff (it's small but all the hair reaches the band!) I'm not sure of the length right now but it's between 5 and 6.5 inches. I put new pics in my fotki here and I have the pics from my BC a year ago here.

I just wanted to share and although I miss my TWA I can't WAIT til I get a HUGE afro :D

I've attached a comparison pic if your at work or something and don't have the time to browse a fotki!


  • One year comparison!.jpg
    One year comparison!.jpg
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Congratulations and Happy Nappyversary to you! Nice progress and beautiful hair, dimpalz! :)
Congrats on your growth and meeting your goals in a year. With growth like that, you'll definitely get a big afro in another year or two. Keep up the great work!
Thanks everyone! I really wish I had more growth tho :( I started with just over an inch. I guess my hair grew the average amount for the year.

bmoreflyygirl said:
You got a lot of growth in a year! How long did you transition before deciding to bc?

My last relaxer was February 18th and I BCed on June 1st so that was about 3 and half months. But I only had about an inch of hair when I BCed, for some reason it didn't grow that well in those 3+ months. Can I add, that ur siggu pic is fabulous, that lil fro looks so cute.

I'm hoping to get to atleast 12 inches in the next year, but I need a trim now and I'm too lazy for lotions and potions although I might look into Boundless Tresses
dimpalz said:
Thanks everyone! I really wish I had more growth tho :( I started with just over an inch. I guess my hair grew the average amount for the year.

My last relaxer was February 18th and I BCed on June 1st so that was about 3 and half months. But I only had about an inch of hair when I BCed, for some reason it didn't grow that well in those 3+ months. Can I add, that ur siggu pic is fabulous, that lil fro looks so cute.

I'm hoping to get to atleast 12 inches in the next year, but I need a trim now and I'm too lazy for lotions and potions although I might look into Boundless Tresses

Thanks Dimpalz! You've made great progress. But I feel the same way about my own growth sometimes though. I just thought it would be more. I was pleasantly surprised when I blew my fro out yesterday. I won't reach my 1 yr nappiversary until the end of September. I just hope I get some good growth over these warm summer months.