It's Growing!!! It's growing!!!


New Member
The first picture is when I cut my hair off in July of 2008
The second one was taken March of this year, and the third one was taken July 2009.

Since April I have been weaving my hair and following the tips found on this website. I am so freaking happy about how my hair is growing.

I guess my hair stylist deserves some of the credit. : )


  • Big chop '08.jpg
    Big chop '08.jpg
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It sure is growing. Must be nice to be able to see such a noticeable difference.
Did you cut it because of damage or just because you wanted to?
I chopped it off because I wanted to confront my worse fear...being bald headed. I gotta tell ya I loved it. I loved being able to wash my hair every day and the ease of just getting up and going. As it was summer it was also a very cooling hairstyle.
wow you did better than the big chop... I was 6 months worth of New growth and didn't chop off my relax ends. You did it super low! I applaud you! Most women feel like Samson... our hurr is our strength.. but you proved other wise. You look amazing! Amazing progress and I love people who can be confident!
Congratulations on your progress. Are you still wearing the weaves while you are growing your hair out? If so, how do you care for you hair underneath it?

I want to get a weave but I need to wash my hair several times a week.