It's been a minute... Relaxer Update


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, it's been a long minute since I've done a hair update, I think since mid to late 2010... Around that time I kinda lost interest in my hair, I got really bored, started wearing wigs the wrong way and not taking care of my hair at all... Eventually I suffered a serious setback and I am now back on track to grown my hair to HL. I've been relaxing only once a year since late 2009. I relaxed recently for my wedding and wanted to share a growth update...

Here is a comparison pic of the top of my head, the breakage was crazy! the whole front broke off :nono: and what it looks like now...


Here are pics of my rollerset and after I silk wrapped...





And a comparison pic of my last update picture, the severe damage and now...

Wow. Please excuse me while I drool. I see ppl buying weave to make their hair look like yours. Beautiful! Great job on the comeback as well. I'm currently nursing my hair from some damage. But you are great motivation :)

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Missed your font! :congrats: on the wedding, your hair looks great as always, what did you do to get your hair back afterwards?
Nice comeback from your setback and congrats on your wedding.

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