It's because I love him....

She needs to change the setting so it can be watched on the iPad...I want to see what it's all about.

I started watching with my dd beside me but had to switch off.

I watched the rest when she was not near's harrowing, great acting, great production. Well done to your friend.
Mai Tai said:
She needs to change the setting so it can be watched on the iPad...I want to see what it's all about.

My hardheaded butt still tried to do it thinking my iPad was special or something lol
Ok OP...I am watching right now at work. It is pretty good so far and your sorority sister has done a great job.

I found myself getting upset especially when he smacked her in the library and the bystander walked away as if he didn't even notice. This video touches on many issues that surround women in abusive relationships and carries a powerful message. Tell your sorority sister...GOOD WORK!
That was really really good. Your sister did an amazing piece. It was hard to watch.

I wish she would have nipped that the first time he hit her. He would have not had another chance to hit me again.
It was very realistic and frightening. It's sad how some women have to be someone's punching bag
That was good I liked the soundtrack. Watching it made me mad. I wanted to kick dude's a**.

One criticism, is that I would have liked if she had focused more on the emotional abuse abusive men inflict on their partners. The abuse starts a long time before it actually gets physical. The emotional aspect is why it's so hard for many women to walk away or even admit that they are being abused. I think adding in some of the manipulation, jealousy, and the making up period after a fight would have made it more relatable. Other than that it was pretty good for a short movie done for school.
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