Itchy winter scalp!


New Member
My scalp has been itchy all winter! I have tried putting oil it and it hasn't helped, I have been using coconut oil. I am not having any dandruf problems and I don't have anyone known skin problems (although ezcema does run in my family). What can I put on my scalp to stop the itching? It is driving me CRAZY.
I've actually been having a similar issue - and I've been putting Qhemet Biologics Burdock Root Cream on my scalp. Works like a charm - instant relief!

That's not what I bought it for at all lol...but that's what I've mostly been using it for!

Another thing that always does the trick, is squirting some ACV and water in a spray bottle to the scalp. Feels like heaven (even though you prob can't do this as frequently).

ETA: I tried coconut oil at first too, and it didn't help for the dry/itchy scalp. I think a cool creamy product might do the trick. This winter I've had to readjust my regimen A LOT
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ok mabye im weird, but i actually enjoy my scalp iches, and all i know is that every week my hair looks longer. i mean, maybe scratching helps me <shrugs>
It may be due to the heat, which dries up everything. I would suggest drinking more water and using tea tree or apply sea breeze with a cotton ball through the scalp to calm it down. I hope this helps.

i've had this problem too. :( i increased my washes to 2x per week but it's annoying and too much manipulation. i'll try using a cream on my scalp. thanks 4 the advice.
Okay, so Sulfer 8 and tea tree have been mentioned the most. Does Sulfer 8 have a strong smell, and if so does it go away?

AdoraAdora24 - the itching could be to growth for me too, I have started back up on my HSN recently. However, i dont want to scracth because I have a feeling I am teearing up my scalp. Hopefully I am getting TONS of growth though!
Why did my scalp suddenly start itching when I read this thread? LOL!

I agree with the tea tree oil and also lavender oil helps me. I wouldn't scratch too who wants to be walking around at work scratching their head? I know I would get some funny looks.
LOL. Last night I did a DC and massaged my head (wow... heaven) with coconut oil and that has cut down on the itchiness a lot. I'm still thinking I may try the Sulfer 8 though.
Okay, so Sulfer 8 and tea tree have been mentioned the most. Does Sulfer 8 have a strong smell, and if so does it go away?

AdoraAdora24 - the itching could be to growth for me too, I have started back up on my HSN recently. However, i dont want to scracth because I have a feeling I am teearing up my scalp. Hopefully I am getting TONS of growth though!

hi, yes sulfer8 has a strong smell. people standing next to you may smell it on you.
Okay, so Sulfer 8 and tea tree have been mentioned the most. Does Sulfer 8 have a strong smell, and if so does it go away?

AdoraAdora24 - the itching could be to growth for me too, I have started back up on my HSN recently. However, i dont want to scracth because I have a feeling I am teearing up my scalp. Hopefully I am getting TONS of growth though!

YES, IT DOES!!!! My mother used to grease my scalp with it when I was a little girl & I would smell my hair outside. It was the worst--especially in the summertime. She used to use the one in the yellow jar, btw. She never used the medicated one in the blue jar.

OP, I have just started greasing my scalp w/ Boundless Tresses Revitalizing Hair Balm. I bought it for my edges, but the consistency is too much for my edges. I applied it to my scalp on Sunday, and I have not smacked (yes, smacked--my hair used to itch so badly that I would smack it) it once since.
YES, IT DOES!!!! My mother used to grease my scalp with it when I was a little girl & I would smell my hair outside. It was the worst--especially in the summertime. She used to use the one in the yellow jar, btw. She never used the medicated one in the blue jar.

OP, I have just started greasing my scalp w/ Boundless Tresses Revitalizing Hair Balm. I bought it for my edges, but the consistency is too much for my edges. I applied it to my scalp on Sunday, and I have not smacked (yes, smacked--my hair used to itch so badly that I would smack it) it once since.

:lachen::lachen::grin::grin:, she keeps it real.