Itchy scalp

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Is it just me or is anyone having problems with an increasingly itchy, tight scalp since the weather has gotten colder outside? /images/graemlins/mad.gif My scalp has been itching so much last week even though I've been keeping it oiled.
Hi Pooh,

Your hair is very pretty! /images/graemlins/grin.gif What are you using to wash and oil your scalp with? It could be the ingredients and combination that is not mixing well with your scalp. I have learned that this was the case with my own scalp and eliminated a lot of products that way. I use a lot of natural products now and hardly have the itcy scalp, only every once in a while...which also tells me I could need to use a clarifying shampoo because of buildup.
Thanks hairfanatic. I think you may be right. Last time I washed my hair I used Aubrey Organic's JAY shampoo and their GBP conditioner. Its my second time using it. I've been oiling my scalp with Sulfur8 medicated (blue container). I've got to wash my hair today. Maybe I'm just not rinsing long enough. I'm going to do a preshampoo treatment with olive oil and then wash it real good and rinse it extra well today to see if that helps. Maybe its something in the Aubrey line I'm allergic to? /images/graemlins/confused.gif I think I'm going to wash with a different shampoo and see if the same thing happens. I will post my results later tonight.
Thanks again!

My hair is feeling much better since I washed it yesterday. Its no longer itching. Maybe you are right and I just had a product buildup. /images/graemlins/grin.gif Oh well, I'm glad its not itching anymore!
I am experienceing this problem. But basically all over, my scalp and skin is dry. Looking into increasing my flaxseed oil or evening primrose oil to combat the problem from the inside out.
Hey Nita4! I guess we are twins! /images/graemlins/grin.gif I have a CHRONIC dry skin problem as well. I've been taking fish oil and vitamin e capsules over the past two months and they seem to help somewhat. And what's frustrating to me is I try to watch my diet and I drink at least eight cups of water per day. /images/graemlins/shocked.gif
Hey Pooh, boy, I'm glad I'm not the only one...

I've been taking flaxseed and EPO 1000mg each for the past four months and I was fine when the weather was warm. But now that it's changing, I'm itchy - all over - my skin is so dry!! I read yesterday that taking 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil daily should combat any problems with dryness. The oil actually doesn't taste bad and is cheaper to buy in the liquid form. I thinking I should see results in about a week or two. Will let you know. Let me know how the fish oil and Vit E is working for you too, okay?? You may want to try this site for information on supplements. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

I guess I could increase my water intake, Yuck...
Nita and Pooh,

Meet me over in the "Skin Care Discussion" and I will post a great skin care trio I use along with ingredients