Itchy Scalp post-relaxer= normal???


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies, I was it "normal" to have an itchy scalp after a relaxer treatment?? Because I just got my relaxer yesterday at 12 weeks post, and all day yesterday my hair was itching like crazy! Especially at the back of my head. I'm thinking maybe I got some scalp burns from the chemical. :( My stylist uses a mild relaxer on me, and I made sure not to scratch my scalp for a good week before my touch-up, so I don't know why my scalp is itching like this. :(

It's not itching as much today, but still....

Does anyone else get an itchy scalp after a relaxer treatment?
If I were you, I'd probably try to wait at least 3 days post relaxer and shampoo with a neutralizing shampoo followed by a claryfing shampoo or conditioner.

Okay. Thanks. I think she neutralized my hair by shampooing it with a neutralizing shampoo already. But are you saying that you think she didn't wash out the relaxer well/completely enough??!?! :eek: :eek:
I don't know if this is the same thing but after i relaxed last week my scalp felt kinda itchy and tight if that makes any sense especially the back i didn't have any burns or anything .What helped was oiling my scalp lightly with olive oil hth:)
bronzehair said:
I don't know if this is the same thing but after i relaxed last week my scalp felt kinda itchy and tight if that makes any sense especially the back i didn't have any burns or anything .What helped was oiling my scalp lightly with olive oil hth:)

Thanks for the advice. I went and oiled my scalp right now with some olive oil. I have to admit, my scalp feels a bit better. :)
Does it itch when you tie your hair up or even wearing it loose? Mine itches when I relax it/wash it then tie it up without oiling my roots/scalp.
Faith said:
Does it itch when you tie your hair up or even wearing it loose? Mine itches when I relax it/wash it then tie it up without oiling my roots/scalp.

My hair was itching yesterday even when it was just hanging loose. And when I wrapped my hair with a scarf last night before bed my hair was really itching! Especially in the kitchen area. I don't know....maybe I wrapped my hair too tightly or something. I think my scalp is probably sensitive from the relaxer. It is a chemical that is applied to the hair (and sometimes scalp). Sometimes we forget. lol*

The relaxer is not supposed to touch the scalp, but it's almost impossible not to have some touch the scalp. Even with basing! So...hopefully the oils and moisturizers will help.