Itching Scalp


Well-Known Member
Hi every one
I am desperate :wallbash:my scalp itches me without mercy, when I get hot when I am going to bed at night. I even think my hair is falling out. It is processed I have tight curls ( what kind is that?)
I process every 6 weeks. This is a new thing cause I neva used have this problem. I scratch till it bleeds. My scalp has scabs on it from all the sratching.
Oh by the way this is my first post. But i love this site!!!:newbie:
Thanks everyone!!
I am right there with you. I have the dryest hair and scalp ever. My hair is also relaxed and I too feel at times that my hair is falling out because it is so dry. What are you using for moisture on your scalp and hair?
Hi every one
I am desperate :wallbash:my scalp itches me without mercy, when I get hot when I am going to bed at night. I even think my hair is falling out. It is processed I have tight curls ( what kind is that?)
I process every 6 weeks. This is a new thing cause I neva used have this problem. I scratch till it bleeds. My scalp has scabs on it from all the sratching.
Oh by the way this is my first post. But i love this site!!!:newbie:
Thanks everyone!!

Hi and welcome aboard! :grin:

O.k., first, don't scratch, just rub. Scratching your scalp until it bleeds is going to lead to problems!

If this itching problem is a new one for you, go back and take a look at the products you're using...have you started using something new, that may be causing the itching?

And if you don't mind, tell us what you're using to shampoo, condition, moisturize, etc! What's your regimene?

You say your hair is processed...I guess that's like a relaxer? If it is, you may want to stretch the time between them...instead of 6 weeks, try going 8 weeks, then 9, then 10, and so on, to give your hair and scalp a rest. That also helps your hair to grow and get stronger.

Hope that helps!
I agree with the previous poster, check the products you're using. Also did you burn your scalp when you "processed"? I would clarify and just use a very light conditioner keeping it away from the scalp. When your hair is dry apply a light oil to it and leave it alone. DO NOT SCRATCH use your fingerpads to rub like a light massage. See what happens in a few days if it continues head to a dermatologist!

I agree with the other posts, but please also consider visiting a dermatologist in case it's a condition that continues to worsen. The derm. will be able to check if it's an allergic reaction, dermatitis, fungus, or (hopefully) nothing at all! :) Also, scratching the scalp can cause rebound itchiness (as your scalp heals) making it twice as bad and causes a vicious circle of itchiness!!! :sad:

What I do to combat itchiness is apply pure Tea Tree oil every night and massage it in for its antiseptic properties. I use the Jason's brand. Sometimes, I also do a clarifying wash and use Sulfur 8 scalp treatment and this clears the occasional itches right up.
I am right there with you. I have the dryest hair and scalp ever. My hair is also relaxed and I too feel at times that my hair is falling out because it is so dry. What are you using for moisture on your scalp and hair?

Do you take a supplement for essential fatty acids? You need to consume some oil (eg flaxseed, cod liver oil, fish oil) and start to use healthy oils like coconut and extra virgin olive oil in your cooking. In an attempt to eat "right" and cut out bad fats, we sometimes remove all the fats but we need some oil for our skin and hair and general health. Also do you drink at least 8 glasses of water? If you're dehydrated, it will show on your skin and scalp. Try to get into the habit of eating salmon or other oily fish at least a couple of times a week.

I usually get touch-ups every 6 to 7 weeks, and completed my first stretch to 10 weeks a few weeks ago. In trying to keep the new growth somewhat soft & manageable vs. 'dry & crunchy,' I tried different products. Well turns out, they were building up on my scalp such that I was getting some scalp dryness & flaking before the touch-up (with minimal itching), but Lordie B, once my hairstylist washed that relaxer out, and was getting ready to set my hair on rollers, my scalp started itching like the dickens. I dug my fingers in and scratched and scratched, and actually drew blood under my nails! I created cuts that when they scabbed over, created further flaking and dry scalp! It was like a vicious circle! :ohwell:

Now granted, I have an underlying thryoid issue, and that could have been contributing to my dry, itchy, flaking scalp, but a few lessons learned here - Try to stretch your relaxers out past 6 weeks (that seems way too soon to be slathering on more chemicals)! Be careful of product build-up, and if needed, clarify to get some of the 'product junkie' gunk off your hair & scalp. Never scratch with your nails - use the pads of your fingers to rub & massage the scalp. Go to the dermatologist (preferably a black one), and they can prescribe external shampoos, conditioners, etc. to help relieve the dry, itchy, flaking scalp as well as internal medications. 'Ole Faithful - Nizoral - also comes in pill form to help relieve fungal type conditions on the scalp from inside the body. But let the dermatologist make the right diagnosis for you so you know what you're dealing with. And if you don't want to go to a dermatologist, you can always start with on-the-shelf products, like Keracare's Dry & Itchy Scalp product line. My black dermatologist (Dr. Milton Moore) has an online website with his own products. He's prescribed the following for my dry, itchy scalp. Just started using it the shampoo & conditioner, but they're working!
Hi and welcome!

You should stop using products and immediately see a dermatologist. This means No hair coloring, rinses, special treatments... just go see the doctor.
Sorry I did not respond but I could not locate my thread. I started to use sulfur 8 and it worked wonders.
I washed my hair with Mane and Tail shampoo and conditioner I used olive oil creamy moisturizer on my hair I rarely put oil on my scalp.
I say washed because that was before the sulfur 8...
Now I use NTM shampoo and conditioner I use Vitale 4-in-1 growth serum on my damp hair ( I wash once per week) for moisture I use Do gro Mega thick growth oil. As a protein treatment I use Jerri Redding once per 6 weeks.
I roller set (but I want to find a better way, my hair is ear length very short).
I use the 8 when I get occasional flare ups.
BTW thanks for all your comments I appreciate it.