Itching Like Crazy, out of nowhere!


New Member
It's the middle of the day and my scalp just starts ithcing like crazy, at the top in the middle. No reason just itching like crazy and I am in a computer lab and don't wanna keep scratching like a fool. I want to pull my rattail comb out so bad and get to work.
Never doen this before. I tried a new moisturizer last night (sta-soft-fro gel lotion) and I didn't have the problem until now.
What causes this?? What can I do to stop it?
Do you have any Sea Breeze? I have heard that if you take some put it on a cotton ball and just dab it on the itching area it will sooth the itching and give your scalp a nice refreshing tingle.

I've never tried this myself though.
LocksOfLuV said:
It's the middle of the day and my scalp just starts ithcing like crazy, at the top in the middle. No reason just itching like crazy and I am in a computer lab and don't wanna keep scratching like a fool. I want to pull my rattail comb out so bad and get to work.
Never doen this before. I tried a new moisturizer last night (sta-soft-fro gel lotion) and I didn't have the problem until now.
What causes this?? What can I do to stop it?

You know what? I went through this a couple of weeks ago. And I am new too. My scalp is not dry or flaking, but rather healthy. In fact I have gotten rid of occassional flakiness altogether nos that I've been washing twice a week and deep conditioning and prepooing.

So, then it hit me! I wondered if it might be GROWING!!! I know that sounds funny, :lol: but have you been massaging your scalp and all of that? Maybe that's it. All the scalp stimilation and all. I did get 1-1/2 inches in seven weeks. I guess a veteren LHCFer would have to answer this one.
And just like it started it stopped. It's not itching anymore.
Royal it's weird!
Tffy, I will carry some sea breeze with qtips just in case it happens again. That was horrible.
The only time i ever get the itchies is right after braids, that second or third day when its real tight. And i just start patting like crazy, like a fiend! :lol: It really alleviates the itching, i'll tell ya that!
The same thing is happening to me right now. I don't understand it. My scalp is clean and I don't have flakes, but for the past 18 hours or so, my scalp has been itching like crazy! I'm 11 weeks post right now and plan on doing a touch-up on 9/1/07.

Does anyone have any suggestions or comments? Is this a sign of a growth spurt? This has never happened before and it's beginning to freak me out. :look:
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I'm in the itchy group too... :eek: that didn't come out right. :nono:

Anyway I was itching so bad yesterday I went home from work early. :eek: As soon as I got home I grabbed the Keracare Dry & Itchy Scalp conditioner and poo. I helped a lot, but I'm still itching today. I ran out of BT and decided to use up my MTG and my head is itching up a storm. They're both sulphur but for some reason MTG is reeking havoc.
I had a persistent itchy scalp problem this time last year, during my shedding debacle :grin:. I pre-poo'd with amla oil overnight a couple of times and it stopped.
I'm a member of the itchy crew too :perplexed
I'm getting the Aveda Scalp Benefits poo & con this week.. hopefully it will help!
i heard that it could be biotin if you use that. an indication that your hair is growing or a side effect of using this vitamin.

i get the itchies big time when i take biotin regurlarly.:perplexed
I was having an itchy scalp also until yesterday after I washed and rollerset I oiled my scalp with Sweet Almond Oil and today it feels MUCH better.
But sometimes when my scalp gets REALLY hot it itches. Do you think this is the problem??
I was having an itchy scalp also until yesterday after I washed and rollerset I oiled my scalp with Sweet Almond Oil and today it feels MUCH better.
But sometimes when my scalp gets REALLY hot it itches. Do you think this is the problem??

I don't think the heat is the problem for me, because this is the first time this has ever happened. I live in Maryland, so it can get pretty hot in the summer, especially this year. I haven't had this kind of crazy itching ever before. I must be going through a MAJOR growth spurt right now. I guess I can't complain too much if it means I'll get some extra growth.

I'm not using any growth aids or taking biotin, so, unfortunately, I can't attributing the itching to either of those.

Tonight I'm going to wash and rollerset my hair. I have Keracare Dry & Itchy Scalp conditioner, so hopefully that will help me out. :pray:
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I use Aveda's Scalp Remedy for dry/itchy scalp. It works within minutes to remove itching sensation. I don't have dandruff, but when my scalp itches, it's usually due to a reaction from a styling product that has come in contact with my scalp...


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I'm an Itchy right now, too. It's been going on for about 2 weeks now. My scalp is clean, no dandruff, no nothing but itchies! It is killing me! I have tried everything. I used the Keracare Dry & Itchy poo and con and it helped a bit but dang! Maybe I'll have to try that Aveda Scalp remedy. Something! If anyone has any other suggestions, please feel free to chime in!!!! :perplexed