It would be nice to have a product critic!


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies,

It would be nice to have a product critic. Someone (perferrably a product junkie) that just tries out products and give it two thumbs up or two thumbs down.
I don't know if we would need several since hair types and relaxer chemical may act differently.
Most of the time (as posted on another forum) we do tend to run out and buy what others say worked well for them. Rarely do we hear of the one's that just didn't work.
Anyway purhaps we should start a list and also include hair's texture, type and relaxer to determine if one product may fair well.

I know when my hair was relaxed....I ran out an bought Nexxus products. I did not care for them at all. They weren't bad, but definetly didn't do anything special. Especially the Humectress.
What do you ladies think?

medium texture
growing like crazy
I would pretty much consider us all product critics. A lot of us try out hair care products, and we post our results after. However, a few of us are on the hair care product challenge. I'll continue to be a product critic (here and there) after the challenge is over.