It won't grow


Well-Known Member
I am having the hardest time getting my little girls hair to grow. She is 2 years old and she has a maximum of 1 inch in most spots. I don't get it. Why won't it grow????? What am I doing wrong?
Here's what I do to it.
I cwc on Sundays and cowash on Wedn. During the week, I spray on S Curl and do box braids. I wash with CON green and use a conditioning concoction of Pantene Conditioner, mayo, honey, and coconut oil. I even throw a little MTG in with the S Curl OCCASSIONALLY, (I've done it maybe 3-4 times) but nothing is working.
Do you ladies have any suggestions? I use the same regimin on my 8 year old and her hair would be BSL if she wore a bra.
:perplexed :ohwell: :(
Shes 2 and ur putting all that in her hair ?
Why don't you just let her be or take her to a derm to see if its a medical thing......

My cousin didn't have more then a inch of hair until she was 5.....
Now its down the middle of her back....

she is only a baby. her hair will grow when it is good and ready. you are going to give her an allergic reaction if you keep putting all of that stuff on her head. If you are truly concerned, take her to the derm.
I agree with the other posters; you might be doing too much.

My best friend who has a lot of hair now, told me that she didn't have any hair until she was 5.

I would suggest just putting a cute head band on your daughter and let it be.
Girl don't even stress right now before you know it her hair will be down her back. All she needs is a good moisturizing shampoo and condition, and what always worked for me was Come back hair by Liz & daughters, its a cream and has no petroleum, I've used this since I was young when my mom discovered grease (anything w/ petroleum in it) would clog my pours and cause seboreah (very bad caky dandruff), but anyway I used it on my childrens hair since they were babies mainly to keep them from getting that ball spot in the back of their hair and it worked :) , my daughter never had a ball spot and when my son's hair would thin in the back area I would apply it and it would fill in. Sometimes little is more. Oh yeah and find a good moisturizer for her ends and that should be find. The box platts are good also just leave them in a little longer maybe try shampooing and conditioning every 2 wks over the winter and see if you see improvement. HTH
My 3 year old daughter hair was slow growing too,( I have pictures in my album of when she was 1 yr old (short hair) and now 3 yr(BSL or longer)it is thick and BSL or longer when stretched. I don't remember doing anything special to make it grow, since I didn't know about LHCF. I would wash it every two weeks,braid it in the beginning until it got too thick to braid, and used water and grease. I didn't even realize it was growing and growing, until I looked back at her pictures! I think maybe braiding it up with moisture and just leaving it alone, would help it grow!
wow i agree with the other ladies, you're doing too much to her hair, she hasn't even fully developed yet, let her genes or whatever do their own thing.

I would say just get a good shampoo made for kids, one that doesn't have harsh products and just use some natural, pure oils on her hair from time to time, and let her scalp breathe.

also, remember, make sure she eats healthy, in case it's internal or whatever and see how that works. You can do fruit purees or vegetable and meat purees and make sure she gets all the proper nutrients for later on when her hair really does start growing.

:lol: i swear i sound like a mom, or an adult, i'm just a teenager! but i'm really into nutrition and health care... oh LHCF
I agree with the other posters.

I was close to bald up until I was two (2) years old. My mother would get angry because people would mistake me for a little boy all the time. She still has lots of time.
I would keep it simple and natural for now.

Try an aubrey organics or a jason shampoo and conditioner... and aloe vera gel as a leave in/moisturizer, and some coconut oil.

Her follicles aren't mature yet, just have patience.
I would not advise putting MTG on children younger than five. :( Better to be safe, than sorry. My grandma used to put vitamin e oil on our hair and scalp. As a child I had long flowing hair. Maybe u r doing too much.
Hi Tee Tee,
I'm not in a rush for her to have long hair, I'm just in a rush to be able to do something to it. It doesn't have to be down her back, I just want it to be at a length were I can actually do it. Its super dry and I can't do anything with it. She has a few spots where it is about an inch long and others where it is completely bald. The reason I even asked for advice is because since joining the forum, I learned tons on how to take care of our hair and how it should grow about 1/2 per month. Well if that is the truth, I'm confused as to why hers won't grow at all and wondering if I am doing anything wrong.
I haven't used the MTG and I will take the advice of you knowledgable ladies and totally discontinue using it for her, as well as the advice to keep it simple.
Believe it or not, I have had tons of people who have approached me and said I should perm her hair! I would NEVER do that but I have been given this advice. A family friend baby sat her once and when I came back, she had extensions in her hair :eek: I did take them out immediately however.
I was just asking because I was fearing that I am to blame for her lack of growth, since hair grows 1/2 inch per month.
Thanks for those of you who offered advice ;) That's what I was looking for! :)
I agree with the other ladies. Less is more.

Also 1/2 inch per month is the AVERAGE hair growth rate, so your daughter's hair may grow slower than that. I wouldn't worry too much :yep:
what always worked for me was Come back hair by Liz & daughters, its a cream and has no petroleum,

I've never heard of that before. I'm going to look for that.
MzTami said:
My 3 year old daughter hair was slow growing too,( I have pictures in my album of when she was 1 yr old (short hair) and now 3 yr(BSL or longer)it is thick and BSL or longer when stretched. I don't remember doing anything special to make it grow, since I didn't know about LHCF. I would wash it every two weeks,braid it in the beginning until it got too thick to braid, and used water and grease. I didn't even realize it was growing and growing, until I looked back at her pictures! I think maybe braiding it up with moisture and just leaving it alone, would help it grow!

She's such a cutie pie! I am definitely a braider. Only thing is it's too short to braid. I'm just gonna be patient until I can and then work from there, and probably wash less often.
Guyaneek said:
She's such a cutie pie! I am definitely a braider. Only thing is it's too short to braid. I'm just gonna be patient until I can and then work from there, and probably wash less often.

As a mother I know how you feel. Majority of mothers want their daughters hair to grow long. When my daughter hair was too little to braid, my nieces use to put it in small plaits(sp).

If I were you, I would moisturize and wash her hair with distilled water and plait it up, leave them in for about a week or two, and continue.

Yes, I agree with you to be patient, before you know it, her hair will be down her back! Take pictures now, so you can see the results later! It's going to happen too quick! Good Luck and keep us informed of your daughter's progress.
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Please don't put any more MTG on your baby's head, that stuff is way to strong for a little one.

I would not expect a child of two to have a growth rate of x per month at all. Children are all different from each other and her hair will start growing when her body has time to concentrate on it, you can't force nature.

My little niece didn't have any thing but maybe 1 inch of hair untill she was about 5 and then it was down her butt just like that. Children's bodies develop the way they do for a reason. I would just wash and moisurize once a week and be done with it.
Guyaneek said:
Believe it or not, I have had tons of people who have approached me and said I should perm her hair! I would NEVER do that but I have been given this advice. A family friend baby sat her once and when I came back, she had extensions in her hair :eek: I did take them out immediately however.

Putting a perm in a 2 year old's hair? :shocked: That is disgusting!! Thank goodness you know better.
Yeah don't stress...

My sister is four now. Her mother had hair down her back at one point. My sister's hair has been the same length for like 2 yrs... lol.

I think they need time to rewire and what not!
Another mother here of a daughter who hd nothing but peach fuzz on her head the first 2 years of her life. She hardly had enough for a barrette. I would wash her hair with baby shampoo and while wet I would put jojoba oil on her hair and that was it. No barrettes, no rubber bands, nothing. She wore a headband or hat to church and that was it. She is now 9 and her hair is waist length. I think in the case of very young girls less is more. I would even skip the shampoo and just add a little jojoba oil and use a baby brush to brush it in.
Hi Guyaneek,

I think that any person putting too much pressure on the hair to grow will reverse the results.

If you feel her hair is growing at too slow a pace, I can imagine the frustration with styling.
Make sure she is taking vitamins daily and has a healthy diet that includes VEGGIES. No soda, easy on the juice, if you allow that.

Topically, you should consider massaging her scalp, like a relaxing massage before bedtime with EO's like jojoba and olive oil. Try Doo Grow hair moisturizer and braid her hair. That's it :)
MzTami said:
I would wash it every two weeks,braid it in the beginning until it got too thick to braid, and used water and grease.

I did this same thing and my daughter hair is beyond brastrap right now. Just leave it alone for now it will do it's own thing.