It turned my uring GREEN....


New Member
Okay, So I did my 4th Henna treatment last night and I was tired so I slept in it.:nono: When I awoke this morning and used the restroom I was shocked to see that my urine was GREEN. :blush: It really concerns me because that must mean it penetrated thru my scalp into my body to turn it green.

Besides the green urine I've been happy using henna as I feel like its making my strands stronger. Although I did notice it has been shedding a bit more. I need to up my conditioning. Still on the search for a good deep condition to apply after the treatment.

Has anyone else experience green urine. Do you think I should be nervous? I know henna is all natural but I don't find anything natural about green urine.
Wow, when I saw the title, I thought you were going to say you took chlorella. Did you not eat anything recently that might have caused that?
I think henna molecules are too big to enter your bloodstream through your skin. Also when henna comes into contact with keratin (in skin and hair) it leaves an orange/red stain, not green. So either that's not real henna you used or there is some other reason for your urine being green.
Yeah, I'm thinking Vitamines or "Asparagus".

I'm sure it was most likely something you ate versus the Henna......unless you henna'd that area too. LOL:lachen:

:shocked: No I would never. Can you imagine. I hate when I wash my hair and I smell henna. Imagine walking around with that smell down there. :lachen:

I did eat a new soup from Olive Garden I believe its called Chicken Gnocchi. It was rather tasty. I don't think it was that.
do a google search for green urine and if there is no rational explanation that you can think of then go to the doctor.
i have green urine everytime i henna. if you check the forums on hennaforhair. com it has happened to other people too. henna can enter the blood stream. catherine from henna for hair has stated this in a thread on her forum before.
i couldn't get the links to work.

if i were you i would go to, visit the forum and type "green urine" in the search field. you will find some threads addressing this issue.
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i have green urine everytime i henna. if you check the forums on hennaforhair. com it has happened to other people too. henna can enter the blood stream. catherine from henna for hair has stated this in a thread on her forum before.

Thanks for this post. I was starting to get nervous. Didn't think it was a tract infection. Thanks for putting my mind at ease. I've visted that forum before will check it out again. Thanks!
It could be from vitamins I rememeber when I overloaded on vitamins my urine was looking like Lemon Lime Gatorade. And I swear I was drinking enough water.
My multivitamin turns my urine green the first 2 or 3 times after taking it. It's really potent though, like over 1000% DV of some B-vitamins.

It is scary that henna can penetrate your bloodstream like that though, yikes.
Site Admin

Posts: 3740

Re: New Drug Interaction Warning
Posted on: 12/26/2008 10:28 PM
Green Wee turns up from time to time with henna and hair and it may not be connected to your meds. Grey or bloddy wee should be examined for hemolyzed blood cells.

People turn up about once a month with green wee over on the hair forum ...... go there and use the search function. We've logged many green wees. Startling but probably harmless.

1) there doesn't seem to be any health threat to green wee whatsoever, unless you tend to faint at the color of your wee.

2) green wee seems to be a normal metabolite of napthaquinone ... and you can get green wee from asparagus, rhubarb and a few other things. None of these are harmful. Just startling.

3) most people get green wee from really high dye content henna, especially with prolonged exposure to henna. More lawsone on your head means more lawsone circulating in your bod.

4) some lawsone is going to hit your bloodstream, and it seems to be harmless ...... UNLESS you have G6PD deficiency (inherited blood enzyme type in about 10% worldwide (high dye content henna with large prolonged exposure is going to tip the scales ...... and if you're not homozygous (far smaller percentage) .... much less likely to present a problem) If you get bloody wee, faint, or ...... die ...... its time to RUN, not walk to your doctor and talk about G6PD deficiency. If you get green wee ...... seems to not be any problem.

5) some people have it one time and not the next ....... which persuades me that a combination of more than one factor may be necessary to make you wee green ....... like other foods, medications, amount of liquids coursing through your kidneys ..........

6) Green wee tends to be ONE void after prolonged application. No recurrence until the next henna. That tends to position it as a metabolite and not something to be particularly concerned about.

Question 1: have you ever been diagnosed as having G6Pd deficiency? If so, are you homozygous?

if your answer is yes .......... have your physician advise you about henna use. Now ........ impaired liver function and G6PD deficiency ......... talk to your physician ...... and let me know. This is interesting.

Actually, I'm kind of relieved that it doesn't do the whole asparagus metabolite drill .... I'd have to quit henna.

i've never had green wee myself, and only have reports from others. One woman posted on the hair forum recently that after hennaing her hair, her nursing child had henna breath and henna diaper poo ......... she was very startled ..........
See a doc. I hope it's the vitamins. If you can get a sample, get one that you can take to him. I know that's nasty, but he needs to see what he's dealing with.
When I was doing research before using henna, I read on at least one thread where a couple of people were saying that it turned their urine green.