'It Ain't Over Until God Say's It's Over'


Well-Known Member
Wanted to share these lyrics to "It Ain't Over" by Maurette Brown Clark. Just heard this song over the weekend and it blessed me as it reminded me that even though some situations in my life look dead, it (whatever yours or my "it" is) ain't over until God says...

I highly suggest you take a listen in Itunes or another music program.
Be blessed and remember....whatever you're believing God for, whatever you're taking to Him in prayer, your situation that looks impossible.... 'It Ain't Over UNTIL GOD SAYS SO.

Verse I
I know the odds are stacked against you
And it seems there's no way out
I know the issue seems unchangeable
And that there's no reason to shout
But the impossible is God's chance
To work a miracle, a miracle
So just know

It ain't over until God says it's over
It ain't over until God says it's done
It ain't over until God says it's over
Keep fighting until your victory is won

Verse II
He never said it would be easy
But you're a winner in the end
Jesus defeated all your enemies
Way before the fight began
But the impossible is God's chance
To work a miracle, a miracle
So just know


When people say you can't, remember
(He can, He can)
When you don't know what to do,
Please remember
(He has the master plan)
He will free you from your sin
And give you peace within
So hold your head up high
You're gonna win
(You're gonna win)


Keep fighting, keep praying, keep fasting
It ain't over, no
Keep pressing, progressing, keep moving
It ain't over, no
Keep reading, interceding, keep believing
It ain't over, no
Keep trusting, keep trying, keep travailing
It ain't over, no
Keep living, keep giving, keep going
It ain't over, no (8x)
Keep fighting until your victory is won
Wanted to share these lyrics to "It Ain't Over" by Maurette Brown Clark. Just heard this song over the weekend and it blessed me as it reminded me that even though some situations in my life look dead, it (whatever yours or my "it" is) ain't over until God says...

I highly suggest you take a listen in Itunes or another music program.
Be blessed and remember....whatever you're believing God for, whatever you're taking to Him in prayer, your situation that looks impossible.... 'It Ain't Over UNTIL GOD SAYS SO.

Verse I
I know the odds are stacked against you
And it seems there's no way out
I know the issue seems unchangeable
And that there's no reason to shout
But the impossible is God's chance
To work a miracle, a miracle
So just know

It ain't over until God says it's over
It ain't over until God says it's done
It ain't over until God says it's over
Keep fighting until your victory is won

Verse II
He never said it would be easy
But you're a winner in the end
Jesus defeated all your enemies
Way before the fight began
But the impossible is God's chance
To work a miracle, a miracle
So just know


When people say you can't, remember
(He can, He can)
When you don't know what to do,
Please remember
(He has the master plan)
He will free you from your sin
And give you peace within
So hold your head up high
You're gonna win
(You're gonna win)


Keep fighting, keep praying, keep fasting
It ain't over, no
Keep pressing, progressing, keep moving
It ain't over, no
Keep reading, interceding, keep believing
It ain't over, no
Keep trusting, keep trying, keep travailing
It ain't over, no
Keep living, keep giving, keep going
It ain't over, no (8x)
Keep fighting until your victory is won

Precious Yodie, this is more on time than you may realize to help someone else. God bless you for your loving obedience. :kiss:

ETA: Yodie, I found the video:

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amen thanks for posting this. i heard this song a couple of times but finally decided to download it. i have been listening to this and it has helped me out a lot. by you posting this here is confirmation from God. I know i'm always posting here about giving up and how my life is in shambles but every time I give up God always picks me up and makes me resume the fight.
Off Topic- blqlady the picture in your siggy, I was given a beautiful throw for Christmas of this exact picture and it blesses me every time that I use it.

This song has ministered to my spirit so many times. I brought Maurette's album and I really like it. Thank you for posting this song as an encouragement to all of us. We know that God has the final say over every thing in our lives no matter what it looks like, no matter how things appear God is so able. Bless His name,
Beautiful posts. To God be ALL the glory. I was sitting at my computer and felt compelled to post this song. It was intended to bless you ladies.

Shimmie, thanks for posting the video. I can only imagine!! This song has really increased my faith. Started praising God (in advance) when I heard it. Its food for my soul!!

I can't stress enuf to all of u that God has your back. Situations look worse before they improve. They have to get so low that only God can step in and do the work. That constitutes a miracle. I praise God for every setback, every challenge, every sickness, etc in my life because its through those storms that I learn the character and nature of who God is. He is our Provider, our Peace, our Righteousness, More than Enough and much, much more.

Praise God!!!
Beautiful posts. To God be ALL the glory. I was sitting at my computer and felt compelled to post this song. It was intended to bless you ladies.

Shimmie, thanks for posting the video. I can only imagine!! This song has really increased my faith. Started praising God (in advance) when I heard it. Its food for my soul!!

I can't stress enuf to all of u that God has your back. Situations look worse before they improve. They have to get so low that only God can step in and do the work. That constitutes a miracle. I praise God for every setback, every challenge, every sickness, etc in my life because its through those storms that I learn the character and nature of who God is. He is our Provider, our Peace, our Righteousness, More than Enough and much, much more.

Praise God!!!

You're right. That was God moving you to share this blessing with us. When I saw your post late last night, it was exactly what I needed because I had gotten some discouraging news. As soon as I saw the title, it just lifted my spirit because it was the very thing God was saying to me! I love this song- we're actually rehearsing this to sing in a couple weeks- so it was perfect in so many ways.

God Bless You Yodie & all the other ladies here!