Isis could you please give instructions on...


Well-Known Member
Isis, I love your hair and it has grown alot. I'm currently taking brewers yeast, grape seed extract, sea veggies, MSM, but I'm going to add flaxseed oil, spirlina, B12, iron, carrot juice and eggs to my supplements. It's amazing to me that you say your hair does not tangle because it just looks like it would. I'm sure all of your supplements contribute to making your hair healthy and keeping the ph balanced in your hair. My hair is also texturized but it's more fine than coarse and its dense. I would like to know if you could give specifics as to how you braid your hair. I tried to PM but your mailbox is full and is not accepting any more messages. I have been wearing my hair in a bun since March and I want something different. I looked at your album and the style looks cute with flowers and hair accessories. Can you detail for me how to achieve the look. Appreciate it!
I'm just now seeing your thread Fancypants! Thank you for the compliment (again)! :) By now you know I replied to your pm. I'm posting what I sent to you.

I box braid my hair. I make 4 box braids (plaits) - two in the back and two on the side braided towards the back. I wear it pinned up in the back as a style (as you are referring to) or I wear it like that to bed and unbraid it for a braidout. I pin my braids up using Good Hair Days pins only. Sometimes I make a braided bun - just one braid low in the back and pinned under. I don't know how to cornrow.

That is basically all I do. I don't use setting lotion or extra product when I braid, I do it on dry hair only. Since I wash every 3 or 4 days, my hair stays pretty muchg moisturized.
Thanks, Isis, for sharing that with us. I love reading your posts because you are like one of our senior hair idols (meaning that you have been here on this board for a long time, not meaning that you are old:p ), and you are full of valuable knowledge.:) Its no surprise that your mailbox is always full.
I love Isis hair also. I have recently started transitioning and stopped using heat I and think Ive made it to armpit in the back (I didnt even realize). I got the motivation for no heat usage from Isis and it has made a major difference in the thickness and length of my hair.
shunta said:
Thanks, Isis, for sharing that with us. I love reading your posts because you are like one of our senior hair idols (meaning that you have been here on this board for a long time, not meaning that you are old:p ), and you are full of valuable knowledge.:) Its no surprise that your mailbox is always full.
I agree ..Isis is one of my hair idols...She seems to be a beautiful person inside and out..Thanks so much Isis for sharing so much knowledge with us. It is really appreciated..