Is your SO flirtatious? Does it bother you?


Well-Known Member
Does it bother you? I never show it, but sometimes it does bother me. I try psyching myself out pretending I didn't hear a comment, or something he says brushes me the wrong way. It's nothing hurtful or disrespectful to our relationship, but some things he says to other women are, I guess, said in bad taste. We'll be on the phone during his break at work and he'll bother one of his female coworkers by saying something as LAME as "why you look mean?" and I'll hear her giggling all extra bubbly on the other end (lol this is so stupid, I'm laughing as I type) or something like "why didn't you save me any popcorn?" These are harmless remarks, but ever so often they bug me so much.
Innocent kiss, unless you have some serious self-esteem or trust issues and are hence seeing what isn't there, I don't think it's wrong of you to be upset.

The thing about being flirtatious is that it isn't necessarily WHAT is said but HOW it is said. I mean, my boss can walk up to me and call me the most beautiful woman in the world, in the most un-flirtatious, not inappropriate way possible. Whereas some people I know can simply say "Hello" in the most laden, sexual-connotation way.

Look at the situations objectively. Why are you upset? Is there really something there?

I think nowadays we women get talked out of what is justified emotion and we always need to be careful.

I never stand for a man in a relationship being flirtatious with women. It is a big no-no.
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Innocent kiss, unless you have some serious self-esteem or trust issues and are hence seeing what isn't there, I don't think it's wrong of you to be upset.

The thing about being flirtatious is that it isn't necessarily WHAT is said but HOW it is said. I mean, my boss can walk up to me and call me the most beautiful woman in the world, in the most un-flirtatious, inappropriate way possible. Whereas some people I know can simply say "Hello" in the most laden, sexual-connotation way.

Look at the situations objectively. Why are you upset? Is there really something there?

I think nowadays we women get talked out of what is justified emotion and we always need to be careful.

I never stand for a man in a relationship being flirtatious with women. It is a big no-no.

TRUE words! Don't let men justify their disrespectful natures by cancelling out your feelings as jealousy, it's DISRESPECT and he's provoking it. If he just NEEDS to flirt with every female he encounters then he needs to be single because you will NOT have to deal with that sort of behavior from every man. It's immature and believe or not 'some men' purposefully do to their 'girlfriends' because they get off on it. Don't let him think he can control your emotions.

My advice...dump him. Don't go to him in a way that it's bothering you and want him to stop because he'll only plead that "YOU are being insecure", if he doesn't realize he's doing it, to me it's just as bad as realizing he's doing it. Regardless, it is not an insecure woman who can tell a man, "You know what, I don't like this part of you, and I like you but I don't have to deal with this type of behavior, so I'm not anymore and quite frankly, it's a major turnoff, so we're gonna have to end this." He'll either feel embarrassed for himself, realizing you don't think it's cute and is not a woman who can be easily manipulated or affected by the games that men like to play and stop, or you just did yourself a favor and ended things with someone who is affecting you in this way.
Does it bother you? I never show it, but sometimes it does bother me. I try psyching myself out pretending I didn't hear a comment, or something he says brushes me the wrong way. It's nothing hurtful or disrespectful to our relationship, but some things he says to other women are, I guess, said in bad taste. We'll be on the phone during his break at work and he'll bother one of his female coworkers by saying something as LAME as "why you look mean?" and I'll hear her giggling all extra bubbly on the other end (lol this is so stupid, I'm laughing as I type) or something like "why didn't you save me any popcorn?" These are harmless remarks, but ever so often they bug me so much.

My guess is that these harmless remarks are what he used to charm you and that is why it is upsetting.

I understand how you feel ,my ex was the ULTIMATE flirt. We would go out and he would call every girl "sweetheart" or "love" irked the heck out of me. I never mentioned anything though and one day just blew up. It was useless though because he never stopped.
I forgot to say I will not be dating any flirts again :nono: :nono:

Me either!! I find it very disrespectful and inappropriate for any man of mine to make flirtatious or suggestive comments to another female. :perplexed

Innocent_Kiss, I've been in your shoes many times before. If it bothers you then it is wrong for him to do it and you should say something to him about it. If he really cares about you and is mature, he will respects your feelings.
That behavior really gets old and tiresome. My hubby is like that he puts on a show when females are around. If it's a female waiter, he has to always add something to a simple one word answer. He goes out of his way to crack jokes and be funny. He has to draw attention to himself as far as females are concerned. He chalks it up to being a social butterfly, I chalk it up to being needy for attention!
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yes he flirts with me ALL the time. He was a major flirt at college and his ex girlf cant believe how much he has calmed down since he met me...