Is your hair telling you something?

Ms Red

Well-Known Member
Does your hair LAUGH at a relaxer (always underprocessed, or too bone straight?)

Are you constantly trying to straighten your naturally curly hair or curl your limp, straight hair?

When you flatiorn your naturally curly hair, does it drink up water and moisturizers? And after that, does it stay dry ALL DAY LONG?

Or, do you use all the moisturizing products in the world on your hair (not to mention the most expensive ones) only to have your hair eat it up and look weighed down?

I only ask this because I think MY hair is telling ME something. I was natural for 20 yrs. and have been perming for 4. My hair is literally begging me to stop relaxing. It's NOT healthy like it used to be. I've noticed that it is NOT resiliant, strong and naturally shiny anymore. I was stretching for 16-20 weeks and as soon as I perm, my hair goes back to being the same! So I just decided that I will listen to my hair, for a change.

My 4a, thin/damaged hair can't take relaxers and it's taken me 4 years to finally figure that out.

Just thought I would share. :ohwell:
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cupcake said:
My 4a, thin/damaged hair can't take relaxers and it's taken me 4 years to finally figure that out.

My mum's hair is like that. It's so fine and fragile, but by looking at it you would never know. The last relaxer she had messed her hair up so badly, she is having problems growing it in certain spots and it's been about 3 years.
As much as I hate to admit it, this applies to me. My hair is no longer relaxing and when it did, it shed horribly even tho' I had a decent length. :( I'm getting a b/c tomorrow and I'm gonna try like hell to shed the fear of going natural. No more relaxers for this chick. I'm sick of damaged, relaxed hair. My only fear is not being able to style my hair when it's natural. :( I"m gonna be needing all the hairstyling tips I can get. :ohwell:
Same here Natrlchallenge. . . My hair was it's healthiest when it was natural but that was when I was content to let it poof out. Now, in my twenties, I am so concerned with the "trendy" hairstyles that I'm afraid I won't be able to handle my natural hair again...

But what keeps me going is this: the last perm I got was the LAST straw. I got it 5 weeks ago and some parts of my scalp are STILL hurting... if that's not a sign, I don't know what is!! I hope to eventually LOVE my natural hair and you will too, I think. :)
Does anyone with natural hair wear their hair straight the majority of the time? I would love to eliminate the use of relaxers but I prefer straight hair.
chellee said:
Does anyone with natural hair wear their hair straight the majority of the time? I would love to eliminate the use of relaxers but I prefer straight hair.

I think unlvgirl keeps it pressed most of the time
My hair was telling me something. It started to thin because of all the heat and constant burning on my hairline so I decided to transition 9 months ago. I have loved every minute of it. Not once during the past 9 months have I thought about getting another relaxer, my only regret is that I didn't do this before.

To anyone worried about loving your natural hair don' me you will love it. The more new growth comes in, the more excitment is gonna build and your gonna be itching to be all natural. I am so excited about seeing my hair all natural I think about it all the time. I have no worries about styling or caring for my natural hair because I know im ready for it. So no worries ladies, we can do this!!

@Blessed1- I love your hair!!
I have been thinking this very thing. I also have fine 3C hair that has really thinned over the last few years. I think I should stop trying to make my hair so I am currently trying to stretch my relaxer to at least 14 weeks as I have in the past when my hair seemed healthier. Then I'll see what happens. :confused: It's a little bit hard for me (just ME) to imagine ever actually going natural though.
my hair starting laughing at relaxers ever since I joined this forum. What a coincidence. Before I decided to acutally transition to natural, I started stretching my relaxer to 12 weeks. I did this twice: once in July and once in October. The relaxer wouldnt even straighten my hair. So in Nov, I decided that Oct would be my last relaxer. As new growth came, my relaxed hair started looking thinner and thinner and would break off in certain places. So I cut it off 7 months later. :weird:
I love the question you ask on this post cupcake!

I'm sorry to hear about your hair woes, and maybe going natural is the right thing for you. You probably wouldn't even have thought about going natural if it wasn't for this site. Now, with all of these beautiful natural heads of hair, you see that it can be done.

My hair is telling me that it's loving this forum and all the great advice I get from you ladies. My hair is the longest and, more importantly, healthiest it's ever been and it's only going to get better. I'm able to do things I never thought I could - airdry, rollerset, style without heat, stretch my relaxers past 4 weeks.

Happy hair growing!
chocolate01 said:
My hair was telling me something. It started to thin because of all the heat and constant burning on my hairline so I decided to transition 9 months ago. I have loved every minute of it. Not once during the past 9 months have I thought about getting another relaxer, my only regret is that I didn't do this before.

To anyone worried about loving your natural hair don' me you will love it. The more new growth comes in, the more excitment is gonna build and your gonna be itching to be all natural. I am so excited about seeing my hair all natural I think about it all the time. I have no worries about styling or caring for my natural hair because I know im ready for it. So no worries ladies, we can do this!!

@Blessed1- I love your hair!!

Thanks for the compliment babe :kiss: I finally bought a digicam, when I'm not feeling lazy I'll work on finally putting together a hair album :lol:

Oh and to answer the question my hair was telling me for years to go natural, I just didn't listen until last year :look: