Is wearing braids worth it?


Well-Known Member
I've been wearing braids since late September and just took out the second set. So, about 10 weeks (5 weeks each).

Before that, I wore braids in January for 3 weeks. Before January, hadn't worn braids in 10 years. Mostly because I didn't find them worth the effort.

Again I'm questioning things... Why?

1. My hair feels soooo light after the wash after removing the braids. I'm wondering if the braids have weakened my strands??? Any input on this?

2. My shrinkage is worse than usual. My fro looked to be ear-length after the wash, which really alarmed me because in September my stretched hair was a couple inches from waist. Fortunately, after adding more moisture while twisting it, I did stretch to see that it was about the length it's supposed to be.

3. Which brings me to another point. People talk a lot about whether one can get more growth while in braids. I never paid attention because I just didn't see that being possible (on its own). But yet I'm puzzled because I expected my hair to be longer than it is right now.

It just felt like this was a waste. I'm especially concerned about point #1 above and how to make my hair heavier. I assume I'll need a few good protein treatments for a while now. And lots of moisture to battle the shrinkage.

I'm wondering if that's why the crown and glory method recommends spraying the hair with a protein spray (infusium 23). Is it because wearing braids strips some protein from the hair?
Braids with extensions no. Braids without extensions yes.

Braids with extensions are too heavy for my fine strands. Braid extensions will definitely weaken them. My hair does fine in CORNROWS with extensions though. But not the individual ones.

I've never worn individual braids without extensions but my hair is thriving in twists without extensions. I had breakage when I wore Senegalese twists though.
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Please read the bolded.

I've been wearing braids since late September and just took out the second set. So, about 10 weeks (5 weeks each).

Before that, I wore braids in January for 3 weeks. Before January, hadn't worn braids in 10 years. Mostly because I didn't find them worth the effort.

Again I'm questioning things... Why?

1. My hair feels soooo light after the wash after removing the braids. I'm wondering if the braids have weakened my strands??? Any input on this?

You hair feels lighter because the extra hair was removed.

2. My shrinkage is worse than usual. My fro looked to be ear-length after the wash, which really alarmed me because in September my stretched hair was a couple inches from waist. Fortunately, after adding more moisture while twisting it, I did stretch to see that it was about the length it's supposed to be.

It could be the products you are using, that are contributing to your extra shrinkage.

3. Which brings me to another point. People talk a lot about whether one can get more growth while in braids. I never paid attention because I just didn't see that being possible (on its own). But yet I'm puzzled because I expected my hair to be longer than it is right now.

Braids DO NOT attribute to growth. Braids only help with length retention. you have to make sure you stay up on your M&Sing or your hair will be dry upon take down, which can lead to breakage.

It just felt like this was a waste. I'm especially concerned about point #1 above and how to make my hair heavier. I assume I'll need a few good protein treatments for a while now. And lots of moisture to battle the shrinkage.

I'm wondering if that's why the crown and glory method recommends spraying the hair with a protein spray (infusium 23). Is it because wearing braids strips some protein from the hair?

Braid hair can strip moisture but not protein. She suggested alternating with a protein spray to keep the balance in check.

If you feel the braids were too heavy, you can suggest they dont use as much hair per braid or you can make your boxes larger, so there isnt so much stress put on your follicles and strands of hair.
I have a love hate relationship with braid extensions. They helped me in my pre HHJ but once I actually had a healthy hair regimen I slowly started noticing the detrimental effects. Now that my hair is long enough to do protective styles without them I will probably never use them again.

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I think any protective style that you like is worth it. I used to love braids and wear them all the time. So it being a "protective style" and something I could count on to leave me with hair a little bit longer each time I took them out was a plus. However I think any protective style that you don't actually like or see the benefit of will get old and not seem worth it after a short time.

1) Braid can weaken your hair if not well cared for or overused but can help your hair if well cared for and used in moderation. Braids worked best for me during the times I wanted to get from sl to apl quickly

2) You mentioned what I would have suggested: moisture. Shrinkage doesn't bother me much but well moisturized hair will do what I want it to do. I find whenever my hair is well taken care of it will shrink in its natural state. So that might actually be a good thing.

3) I always believed braids aid in keeping growth but on the flip side my hair is longer than it has ever been since I stopped wearing braids all the time. I personally believe that was a coincidence and a natural byproduct of learning more about my real natural hair at the time that I stopped wearing braids all the time than braids being the issue though.

If you don't find braids worth the effort that is all the answer you need. You listed some of the things that are cons with braids. Do you have any pros? Or are you looking for a benefit that is outside of liking the style itself? If so, there are so many other hairstyles to choose from that you might like more. It would be cool to think of a hairstyle that you do find worth the effort, then see if there are ways to wear your hair just how you want it in the most healthy way.
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Thanks for the responses.

You make a good point about my hair feeling lighter because the braids were removed. I hope that's it, because I truly do NOT like the way my hair feels right now. Light and weak.

Pros about braids: well, I only got them because 1) it was hot as heck in September/October where I live; 2) I was going to be traveling a lot and needed to not have to spend hours I didn't have to wash my hair. For those 2 things, they worked well.

My regimen consisted of:
-daily spraying (water, oil, leave-in)
-oiling on occasion
-apple cider vinegar wash as needed
-or diluted shampoo on scalp, as needed
-occasional co-wash when not doing the 2 above.

So, it didn't get the MOST moisture, but it was definitely not ignored. However, no protein treatments were possible.

Absolutely laying off braids for a while [or for good. TBD]. Will be spending the next few months giving my hair a LOT of TLC inside and out.
it depends on your hair. my hair thrives with braids.:yep: but i have a cousin whose hair seems to disintegrate when she wears them.
I don't do breads only twists with extensions but as long as I keep my hair moisturized I have far less shedding and breakage than when I keep my hair loose.
I used to be the queen of extension braids. I have done almost every style out there. My fav though were the micro plaits.

I wish I had never touched extension braids at all because I think it led to my hair being very porous and I am still trying to correct that damage. I think if you have fine or highly porous hair it can mess your hair and scalp up. Even women with thick hair can suffer the consequences even though the effects may not be as obvious on women with fine or high porous hair.

I do not consider extension braids a protective style that is worth it and this is why:

1. The synthetic hair is very drying on the hair and really wrecks havoc on your hair's protein. Protein is necessary to keep your hair strong.

2. Extension braids especially if your hair isn't that long means your hair will be pulled very tightly to braid it and this causes scalp irritation and pulled hair when your hair is taken out of the plaits and also the pulling can retard the hair that is trying to grow. Many time when I would take my braids out I would justify all the hairs as shed hair and I know that many of those hairs were breakage.

3. The extension braids do not allow your scalp to breathe. I do not think you should have things touching your scalp that are synthetic and not natural. That can have an effect on the health of your scalp. It's like putting an itchy rag on your skin day in a day out.

4. Frequent extension braiding does not allow your hair to get adequate moisture

5. Extension braiding, the extension hair leads to tears along the cuticle which means frayed hair and highly porous hair. So many women notice hair is less able to take moisture and when they straighten it it kind of looks split ended and frayed.

6. You cannot really moisturise your hair or else that can lead to matting and straining of the hair.

7. You can get a scalp reaction to the extension hair. I always had dry scalp and dandruff. The extension hair literally sucks out the moisture of your strands.

Synthetic hair is made of plastic and other flammable material and chemicals and that is sitting on your hair and scalp. Human hair is not that much better because I do not believe that all that human extension hair for braiding is real human hair and all the chemicals they treat it with.

I did an experiment, when I was natural a few years go (I am natural again) I decided no more braids and the front of my hair and hairline grew very quickly.

I would only say okay to extension braids if they will not be worn tight, not worn for more than two weeks and a protein treatment is done before and afterwards and the hair is lightly blown out before braiding.

Almond Eyes
Mini braids yes, with extensions no. Only if your strands are coarse they can handle the extensions for a longer period. My hair is fine and I'm just fully recovering from lost density & breakage because I literally had to rip my hair out to get the weave out.

My hair retains all growth when I wear mini braids though. I can do my own box braids with extensions pretty fast so in the future I won't mind doing them then taking them down only a week later. Not like I'm spending $200 to get it done by someone who doesn't care about my edges lol

Braids don't make your hair grow. Your hair grows at the same rate no matter what style or state your hair is in. You retain the length you grow based on proper care, not directing this specifically to you but just saying. If a persons hair grows a half an inch every 3 months it wont change by putting in braids, growth rate is genetic.
Havana twists are working for me. I've been wearing them for a year now, for about 2 months at a time. I have a few blog posts about them.
Washing Havana twists:

This is one of the easiest styles I've had since going natural.

I use fingercomber hair and it's not heavy at all so taking out the twists doesn't leave my hair feeling light. It's synthetic but toyokalon instead of kanekalon.

My shrinkage is the same when I take out the twists.

My hair grows more over the winter than summer so I expect to see a bit more growth this time than the last round of twists.

I always do a protein treatment when I take out my twists. I use Komaza Care Protein Strengthener. I just more since I didn't have enough left for my next treatment.

I also spray my twists daily with a mix of Infusium 23 and braid spray. I also use my oil mix on my scalp a few times per week.

I plan to try crochet braids for 2015.