Is Wanakee's Hair Relaxed Or Natural


New Member
Wanakee Pugh is a former model who manufactures a line of products for ethnic hair. She is very pretty and has exceptionally long/healthy hair. According a website that I chanced upon a long time, she was one of the earliest advocates of protective styling for black women.

From looking at her hair, I can't tell if she's relaxed or natural (but pressed). Do you think she's relaxed or natural?

Also, do you know whether she uses a lye or no-lye relaxer? Below are some photos of her:



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I used to love her hair back in the day!

She used to relax, but she did stretch her relaxers. Have no idea if she used lye or no-lye.

I don't know if she's still relaxed these days, haven't heard anything about her hair or seen any pictures as of late.
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Dang, is she still alive? No, seriously, I had no idea she was still making products. I bought that stuff back in the early 90's. I thought I was going to have some seriously GORGEOUS hair, but the products didn't do much for me :nono: I do remember her advice about protective styling--and I took it! AND she was the first to tell me to detangle from the bottom up. That has stayed with me to this day and I've passed it on to my daughter. Thank you Wanakee!
I also used Wanakee's products back in the day when I was relaxed. The products worked very well on my hair. I got many complements on my hair's softness and shine. And I liked using a complete line on my hair where all the products worked for me.

Then I started to stay after listening to others using other products. And I became a product junkie. I still got stuff-junkie stuff- I have not used yet. I just want to get it all used up or just get rid of it.

When I relax again, this summer, I will be returning to her products. For me, in the long run, it will be less expensive and I will have everything I need.
Wow, I haven't heard that name in decades! :lol: I remember receiving a mailing advertising her products addressed to be back in 1990 -something. I remember being in awe about her hair...
Dang, is she still alive? No, seriously, I had no idea she was still making products. I bought that stuff back in the early 90's. I thought I was going to have some seriously GORGEOUS hair, but the products didn't do much for me :nono: I do remember her advice about protective styling--and I took it! AND she was the first to tell me to detangle from the bottom up. That has stayed with me to this day and I've passed it on to my daughter. Thank you Wanakee!

Cherokee-n-Black, I don't think she's still making products but she's very much alive. She's an artist and you can see her at work here. This is her website.

The hair product line we all knew as Wanakee's is now sold by

Believe it or not, I still have the products I bought from her way back when. Not using them. Just keeping them as a memento like a loony hoarder. :sekret:
She looks great. I can't believe that painting ended up so nice! You know I was skeptical. LOL She's lovely. True Hair Idol from back in the day.
I used her products and protective techniques back in the mid 90s and had great results.

She looks amazing still - she needs to do a skincare line/regimen!!!
still beautiful, hair is still gorgeous and she is talented too...

@Cherokee-n-Black, I don't think she's still making products but she's very much alive. She's an artist and you can see her at work here. This is her website.

The hair product line we all knew as Wanakee's is now sold by

Believe it or not, I still have the products I bought from her way back when. Not using them. Just keeping them as a memento like a loony hoarder. :sekret:
I ordered her pamphlet out of the back of Essence mag in the late 90s. Didn't buy any of her products - although I suppose it would be nice to have them as a momento like Nonie :). The pamphlet included a lot of good tips about hair management and protective styling, and just a few years later, people were discussing them on hair boards like this one.