Is vitamins really necessary to grow long hair?


New Member
I'm asking this question because before I started taking, I actually thought my hair grew pretty well. Are there any of you out there that don't take hair vitamins at all a still have healthy hair growth?

I don't necessarily believe everyone needs to take vitamins to have healthy hair growth. I have friends who have gorgeous hair and have never looked at a vitamin or supplement in their life. All of these vitamins are in the foods we eat daily. I for one, have a very poor diet because I am a picky eater so I know I'm not getting the necessary nutrients I should be getting for my hair to grow. Mainly, it's a matter or choice. My main problem is my hair would grow quickly, but I couldn't retain it to get some length. Overall, the vitamins have increased my hair growth and helped it's texture, shine and structure. That's just my 2 cents.
I feel I get good hair growth(1 inch per month). I take a multi-liquid for overall health. Plus evening primrose and flax seed oil softgels for dry skin and hair. I also exercise which boosts the metablolism and circulation which porbably helps with the growth.
Dear Hairfanatic
For me, vitamins are essential. I get 1 inch per month and because of the water, and the weather, just for my overall health. It works better for me. I exercise on a regular basis, which improves my circulation hence it contributes to my overall improved hair growth.
Hi legs71,

I agree, because one of my aunts has waist length hair and she never took vitamins. My mother would wash her hair with prell every ten days, condition with a cholesteral conditioner, brow dry and press. All my aunt did was put four rollers in the front and braided the back at night, but wore her hair down all day. The fact that she used to wear it down all day is making me wonder about the myth of protective styling also.
I get the same amount of growth per month with supplementation as without it. I have been taking supplements long before visiting hair boards. The supplements that I take are for overall health, but they are also good for hair health. I believe that if you have a poor diet, certain health conditions, or a generally unhealthy lifestyle, then supplementation could help someone grow and maintain healthy hair.
Basically, taking vitamins will only benefit your hair in someway. They certainly don't do harm.

Some ladies say they see no faster rate of growth with vitamins, but at least the hair will be healthier, along with the benefits to your overall health.
Hairfanatic, I take Centrum Liquid. I'm looking to try some other vitamins(not hair related) in liquid form also.
honey vibe, this is exactly why i take the vitamins even though i don't think they're making my hair grow any faster. what's the point of beautiful hair on an unhealthy body... /images/graemlins/frown.gif

Thanks Ladies,

For all your help. I guess I am just one that forgets to take mine so much that I am considering cutting drastically my number of intake.
I suppose we're hoping that bombarding the body with unnecessary nutrients will cause it to store the excess in hair and nails, in effect, making them grow faster. The problem is that most American bodies could darn well use those nutrients, and the body does not "waste" these resources on hair and nails. If the person is taking in a healthy, nutritious, adequate diet PLUS vitamins, at this point hair growth should occur.

Again, it can take 1-2 months for vitamins and excercise to become visible on the outside; give your body time to finish what it is doing before deciding it's a bust.
That is a very good question. The foods we eat every day, including the so-called organic ones, may not contain all that it USED to contain. The soil is being drained of many minerals also. You can still grow a good head of hair without them. But supplementation my "enhance" what gorgeousness is already in the hair. Also when you eat food, the body absorbs all the nuttrients 1st then the hair gets the nutrients. So in that case I can see taking them.

In my opinion supplementation is just that, it is not necessaery but if you are looking for OPTIMAL results, Then I would suggest it along with a good diet.
