Is transitioning even worth it?


New Member
I am sitting here feeling my New growth after only 6 weeks after my last r.elaxer, and I was wondering if transitioning is even worth it.

I am forced to ask myself, who am I transitioning for. My comfort or the comfort of others.

I have transitioned 3 times before and big chopped each time after 6 months. And by then I was at my breaking point. And with each big chop the person doing the chopping has cut it farther down the new growth than I wanted. I would have liked to keep the growth that I worked so hard for those last 6 months. But at the same time I know in the back of my mind, the hair was heat damaged from trying to get it to blend in with the previously r.elaxed hair.

So I think that if I cut my hair now. I would have less new growth to worry about being cut too short. And when I treat it right fromt he beginning, it still have the healthy kinky hair when my 6 months came around.

So I am forced to wonder with all of the headache that comes with transitioning (styling, dealing with 2 textures, and such), is transitioning really worth it?
I think it really depends on what you are willing to deal with. It's not easy not matter what you decide to do to your hair. Even if you keep it relaxed, you still have to take care of it if you want it to stay healthy. I am 42 weeks post and my hair is BSL w/five inches of new growth. Every time that newgrowth gets thick or matted I ask myself the same all this effort worth it? But then I find new styles or products to try that keep me going. Sometimes I want to chop it all off, but then I'll think of how far I've come and just keep wearing those buns. I think when it's really hot outside, that's when I keep thinking about a perm. So I'm going to get my hair braided so I don't have to think about it. Just hang in there and find different styles that you can deal with to give yourself a break.
Why can't you cut the relax ends yourself? This is what I did the first time I transition. I am currently transitioning for the 2nd time. The first time I was 7 months post when I BC. This time I don't plan on BC or cutting the relax ends until I am SL or 24mths post. I would suggest that you do what is most important for you. I didn't like my hair that short so I will not be BC. I wish you the best of luck!
It was worth it for me. I know that I don't like the in between stage on myself. I transitioned for 20 months (my siggy is a pic of my flat ironed hair the week of my BC) and was happy with that decision. There were some tough moments, but it was worth it for me.
That said, you have to do what's best for you.
Good luck!
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It was definitely worth it to me. I transitioned for 18 months because I don't like short hair on me. And finding styles for my transitioning hair was much easier than for natural hair because now I have to revamp all of my methods and techniques. It's all about personal preference. If you don't want to transition, then don't. If you like short hair, go head and BC.
Transitioning for me was a breeze. I wore braids that I did myself and trimmed a little every 6-8 weeks for me. So transitioning wasn't something I even took time to think about. I didn't have to deal with two textures...and I just woke up one day and I was fully natural after dusting once more. I was dusting one braid section at a time, as I redid the braids which I wore for a whole year. So again, I was never overwhelmed or stressed. I'm blessed to say, my hair journey has been pretty stress-free.

Now if I had been dealing with my hair out and having to deal with two textures, I mightn't be so laid back about it. But I also think the transitioning threads on the forum have made the journey for those who wanted to keep long hair pretty easy. If you do your homework, then you can make it less of a hassle.
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I ended my transition early because I felt like I was wasting my time and products trying to hold on to hair that I planned to chop off anyway. So I gradually began to BC at 14 weeks post relaxer from SL and completely cut off the relaxed hair by about 20 weeks approx post.
It was the best choice for me.
I think it's just a matter of personal choice...

Yep. I go back and forth re: big chopping, but at the end of the day, I just don't feel like rocking short hair right now. It's 100% psychological. I am driving myself nuts trying everything, knowing nothing's gonna work the way it's gonna work on my 100% natural hair. I think you know when the time is right. Trust your gut.
I'm at week 111 of a 156 week (3 yrs) transition. I've never had short hair and I see no reason to cut until my natural hair is MBL. I've gone many months without relaxers in the past, but I wasn't transitioning - just being lazy and cheap.

Maybe you can wear your hair straight while you transition. My bff kept her hair flatironed for 4 years and just recently cut the remaining relaxed hair. She is now at MBL - she began her transition at BSL. Her hair is not heat-damaged, either.

eta: Oops, didn't see the part about your heat damage, OP. Were you taking precautions before flatironing?
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It was worth it for me. I know that I don't like the in between stage on myself. I transitioned for 20 months (my siggy is a pic of my flat ironed hair the week of my BC) and was happy with that decision. There were some tough moments, but it was worth it for me.
That said, you have to do what's best for you.
Good luck! was worth it for me too.
I bc about a week and a half ago at six weeks post relaxer. LOVE it. I know there may be awkward stages, but that's life.
If you don't want to or you don't think it's worth it, it sounds like it's something you don't value, so why bother?
I'm at week 111 of a 156 week (3 yrs) transition.

OK this is funny. This is like "oh, how old is your little girl?" "Why, my little baby is 49 months old!" Uh...yeah...that would be...4 :D I ain't mad at ya'. I don't think I can hang in for another 2 years. I'm going for one more, and right now that's lookin' iffy.
I've been natural twice- the first time I transitioned for 1 year 4 months. The second time I transitioned for only 5 months.

Transitioning is only worth it if you are concerned about maintaining length. Other than that, nah. It can give you a false sense of natural hair length.
It was worth it for me because I have a very large head that only looks good with long hair. :)

The problem may be your products. I had a lot of issues in the beginning because I was trying to force my relaxed products to work on my kinky new growth. They didn't. Once I realize that I had to totally switch up the game, and try different techniques like washing in sections and only detangling my hair when wet, it was like easy breezy beautiful cover girl. I actually look forward to washing my hair now. Either way you have to find what works for you.
Worth it to me, because if I experience breakage or something it will break the relax hair first and that would give me a chance to correct this before it hits the newgrowth.
OK this is funny. This is like "oh, how old is your little girl?" "Why, my little baby is 49 months old!" Uh...yeah...that would be...4 :D I ain't mad at ya'. I don't think I can hang in for another 2 years. I'm going for one more, and right now that's lookin' iffy.


Sounds crazy, but by counting weeks instead of months, I feel like I'm making progress and reaching a goal - every 7 days!

I don't view transitioning as a chore or something to dread. I'm not really sure why there's so much negativity surrounding long-term transitioning.
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I agree with most people in that it is totally about you and what your motivations are. I transitioned for 18 months and had a great time learning how to care for my hair and experimenting with different styles. I did however do my final chop myself to avoid having an overzealous stylist chop too much hair off. Seeing as you have transitioned before you should have a good idea of what works and doesn't work for you.

I have been feeling the same way recently...

this is my second time transitioning..

The first time I stopped at 3 hair couldnt even be stretched long enough to put in braids or twists

Initially I loved my cut but then... others around me made me feel less than (yeah yeah I know)

This time around I am at 3 times more than that and my new growth is so shrinkky and short I feel like I will be a bit style challenged...

because my hair grows so slowly I doubt I will have much of anything on my head..

I just keep feeling I should just get on with it and start my natural journey..

for me I just want to be cute...

loose transitioning hair is hard to make look cute as you have to blend the textures and I am not very good at installing braids on my self and every braiding experience I have had has left me bald around the edges...


having a moment of frustration... andmy hair ain even that long .. some where around shoulder length flat ironed....
Yes transitioning is definitely worth it. I did it for 10 months and I waited until I had enough hair for a ponytail. I personally hate short hair on myself so it was tough. Oh and after 10 months I didn't have enough hair for a ponytail LOL More like a pig tail ahaha but a year later it was long and lush, definitely worth it.

OP are you asking because you're thinking of cutting your hair very short? What made you relax those two other times?
it has never been worth it to me. i can't don't. i try not to make things more difficult than it has to be. i was ready to be natural from the start! all or nothing! i don't tow the line. but i am one of those folks that are not concerned with length. i can make any length HAWT! :lachen: plus i was able to deal with my natural hair instantly. i enjoy the TWA phase.

you gotta do what's best for you.
Well, I think its worth it. I transitioned for 8 months and I wish I had done a long-term transition. I believe the relaxed ends create a bit of a barrier for the natural hair that is prone to ssk's.

Sure transitioning was a pain for me but thats only because I was in my hair too much. I would flat iron it and only be disappointed that it didn't last, braidouts became too much manipulation. If I could do it all over again I would stay in braids and slowly chop like Nonie did.

A transition is only as hard as you make it but for the end result which is natural hair at a length you're comfortable with...yeah its definitely worth it.
I thought I was the only person who asked this same question! Yeah well I like change so I'm up for a BC. In fact, I'm so excited to be natural that I did a "pre-BC." :grin: I cut my hair a little shorter than neck length so I can try out some of the styles I've seen naturals do... and sometimes I forget I'm not completely natural yet. I haven't had my hair this short... EVER and I love it.

Just do you.
OP are you asking because you're thinking of cutting your hair very short? What made you relax those two other times?

BostonMaria: Actually this would be the fourth time I am going natural. I relaxed the last 3 times because of boredom and lack of time.

1st time: I had a newborn and no time
2nd time: I had a newborn, and a toddler and even less time
3rd time: IDK, I guess I was bored a little.

I am transitioning this time not because I am bored and looking for a new hairstyle, but I have a weird reaction from my last 2 relaxers. So I made a choice to put my health before my hair. I'm not upset about going natural. I just decided it is what I have to do. Right now I am treating all of my hair as though it is natural. Currently, I have not figured any hair styles that is working for me, so I just stay in a bun.

We will see. I am having on. in my last few transitions I have not made it past 6 months. But I think I may try to make it longer as long as the clippers stop calling out to me.
I BC'd after about an 8 month transition, and I'll be honest with you: I looked CRAZY, for a LONG arse time! Some people can rock a "Florida Evans", but many of us can't. :nono:

I say transition until you can't go anymore.... And then go a little further... :yep: