Is this too much hair to loose?


This is about how much hair is on the floor each time I brush out my rollersets, is this too much hair to loose or is this normal?


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look at them individually. do they have bulbs on the end? if so, it's shed hair & you have nothing to worry about. but if they're mostly broken off short pieces, you might want to reconsider brushing out your sets, & instead using a wide-toothed comb.
look at them individually. do they have bulbs on the end? if so, it's shed hair & you have nothing to worry about. but if they're mostly broken off short pieces, you might want to reconsider brushing out your sets, & instead using a wide-toothed comb.

I agree. How tight are you rolling your hair? I am a fan of the tight rollerset, but my hair was not :nono:. Because the hair shrinks as it dries, that caused some weakness, and my affinity for a strong set (ie crunchiness) didn't help. I started taking a little oil and rubbing it through my hair prior to combing to break up the crunchiness (and then I started to not make it so darned strong to begin with!) and using a comb instead of a brush. That helped cut down on the breakage tremendously :yep:.
I use a wide tooth comb first and use a paddle brush to wrap. The peices are short, I try not to wrap too tight, I dnt think this rolleretting is for me:nono:, even though the results are beautiful and I rarely have to use a flat iron anymore. I also can stretch my relaxers more than I could when I blowdried.
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hm. try just using your fingers to comb down your hair after removing the rollers. losing short pieces over an extended period of time will equal a gradual length setback, so be careful! you don't have much to worry about based on the amount you lost in the pic above, but if you're losing that much every time you handle your rollersetted hair, then its not so good. i lost a bunch of broken off pieces that way overusing flexi rods last year, and i had a pretty significant length setback myself.
I use a wide tooth comb first and use a paddle brush to wrap. The peices are short, I try not to wrap too tight, I dnt think this rolleretting is for me:nono:, even though the results are beautiful and I rarely have to use a flat iron anymore. I also can stretch my relaxers more than I could when I blowdried.

Since they are broken pieces instead of shed hairs, you could try to tweak your technique before giving up on rollersetting completely. Like others have suggested, try making them looser and making sure your hair is thoroughly detangled and combed through before you set.
What products are you using to rollerset? Are you using a setting lotion that is making it crunchy?
No I stopped using the foam setting lotion for that reason and this time I used Elasta QP Silk Thermal Detangling Liquid and applied some light oils, I made sure to use less product this time as well.
Do you loose this much normally, or only after you rollerset? I was loosing a lot of hair like that last year, after each rollerset. Since this wasn't normal for me, I got nervous, and took a good long look at my diet and the products I was using on my hair when I shampooed. I also invested in a bottle of garlic shampoo which I used for about a month, before it statred to check itself.
Do you loose this much normally, or only after you rollerset? I was loosing a lot of hair like that last year, after each rollerset. Since this wasn't normal for me, I got nervous, and took a good long look at my diet and the products I was using on my hair when I shampooed. I also invested in a bottle of garlic shampoo which I used for about a month, before it statred to check itself.
Ive recently started rollersetting a month ago and yeah this happens everytime, sometimes more than others. Maybe I need to invest in some garlic conditioner or shampoo. Has anyone ever tried partially blowdrying and then rollersetting the remainder of the way?
Do you loose this much normally, or only after you rollerset? I was loosing a lot of hair like that last year, after each rollerset. Since this wasn't normal for me, I got nervous, and took a good long look at my diet and the products I was using on my hair when I shampooed. I also invested in a bottle of garlic shampoo which I used for about a month, before it statred to check itself.
Were there any products that you were using that you think contributed to the breakage?
I just think you have to find the right mix of products. Try something for a really soft set. Not sure if lustrasilk still makes "Wave set" but that is some phenomenal stuff. I like Keracare's Wrap/setting lotion (not the extra strength, the regular).
I had breakage after a roller set before and I thought it was because I was under the dryer too long. I think I overdried it if that is possible.

Are you using magnetic rollers, if so are you placing the clips properly to avoid breakage?

That doesnt look like an awful lot of hair though.
That's too much IMO. I used to think that loosing that much hair was normal until I saw that when my hair is in good condition I can loose only no more than two strands!
Were there any products that you were using that you think contributed to the breakage?
I slowly stopped applying products that were laden with shea butter, like conditioners and prepoos, and shampoos that had DMDH hydantoin in them. The shea butter coated my hair and ends were breaking from not being able to absorb moisture. The DMDH tends to be very drying on my strands, especially after a dc with heat.:ohwell:
i lost a bunch of broken off pieces that way overusing flexi rods last year, and i had a pretty significant length setback myself.

I did the same thing as well with the flexi rods as ponytail sets.:nono: i think everytime i took out the ponytail holders hair would get caught in them. same goes for the flexi rods. Using products that are too drying to the hair can also cause breakage. Also, ditto on going too tight.
I had breakage after a roller set before and I thought it was because I was under the dryer too long. I think I overdried it if that is possible.

Are you using magnetic rollers, if so are you placing the clips properly to avoid breakage?

That doesnt look like an awful lot of hair though.
Are the magnetic rollers the ones with the holes in them, I use big gray and the black rollers with the holes, I stopped using the metal clips and now use big bobby pins which holds better and pulls less hair out.
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Wow... if that's too much shedding, then I need to show y'all what comes out of MY hair when I comb it... Seriously, when I wrap it and comb it out or when I use satin rollers or when I WASH it and dry it... rollerset... you name it, I got hair piling up on the floor, in the trashcan, in the toilet and in the sink... I'm bout to show you what TOO much hair looks like... hold on, and I'll update this post...

Now I'm scared...
Wow... if that's too much shedding, then I need to show y'all what comes out of MY hair when I comb it... Seriously, when I wrap it and comb it out or when I use satin rollers or when I WASH it and dry it... rollerset... you name it, I got hair piling up on the floor, in the trashcan, in the toilet and in the sink... I'm bout to show you what TOO much hair looks like... hold on, and I'll update this post...

Now I'm scared...
:lachen:Oh Man!!
I really don't think it's too much hair. You are going to have some pieces of hair whenever you do a rollerset. I always have pieces of hair in different lengths whenever I take down my rollerset. I just think it's pretty normal; at least for me. I was concerned about this for awhile, but it just seems to be the norm whenever I rollerset which is 2-3 times weekly. I chalked it up to being paranoid from being a part of LHCF. You surely don't want to substitute blowdrying for a rollerset.