Is this too much breakage???

It looks like a great deal of breakage to me, but I can't say for sure, because I haven't done my own set before. I know I see them tossing hair out of the comb like mad sometimes, but I couldn't say for sure how much I am losing at a time. I take it this is much more than you've lost in the past, post-set, though?
dreemssold said:
It looks like a great deal of breakage to me, but I can't say for sure, because I haven't done my own set before. I know I see them tossing hair out of the comb like mad sometimes, but I couldn't say for sure how much I am losing at a time. I take it this is much more than you've lost in the past, post-set, though?

Yes it is more than I've lost in the past. I've never had a ball of hair. I use to get about 10-15 hairs from rollersetting which was mainly shedding.

Well, I think it's because I just took my weave out today, washed my hair and then set it with rollers, and the last time I conditioned my hair was Jan. 15th. Also, since I'm transitioning, I haven't had a relaxer for almost 4 months now. :eek:

Does anyone know how I can cut down on breakage next time? I would like to do rollersets like every week or every 2 weeks. I'm tired of the boring bun and I want my hair to look nice at work.
Well, since it's that much more than you usually lose, I'd say, yes, it's too much. Since you are 4 months into transitioning, have you considered an aggressive trim? Maybe that would help? You may just have to give up rollersets until you are completely natural if it's causing this much loss? I don't know, Poohbear...I'm just throwing things out now...hopefully a natural/transitioner can come with something better. Good luck, hon :).
dreemssold said:
Well, since it's that much more than you usually lose, I'd say, yes, it's too much. Since you are 4 months into transitioning, have you considered an aggressive trim? Maybe that would help? You may just have to give up rollersets until you are completely natural if it's causing this much loss? I don't know, Poohbear...I'm just throwing things out now...hopefully a natural/transitioner can come with something better. Good luck, hon :).

yes, i've actually thought about getting a major trim like webby. I've been hanging on to these poor overprocessed, color-treated, heat damaged, & thin ends for a long time. I might just go to that salon you suggested to me a while back and get a nice cut and set. Since my relaxed ends are going to be cut off anyway, might as well get a nice healthy cut to grow my hair out. ;) brastrap for me anytime soon! :ohwell:
Pooh, how long did you have your weave in? You know, the hair that didn't shed daily when you had your weave in is going to come out...

It really doesn't seem like a lot to me. Is it still breaking? Do some deep conditioning and a protein treatment before you start whackin' away on it...
TigerLily said:
Pooh, how long did you have your weave in? You know, the hair that didn't shed daily when you had your weave in is going to come out...

It really doesn't seem like a lot to me. Is it still breaking? Do some deep conditioning and a protein treatment before you start whackin' away on it...
I agree with Tigerlily. :) It could have accumulated from having your weave in. You may not need to do any cutting at all.
Isis said:
I agree with Tigerlily. :) It could have accumulated from having your weave in. You may not need to do any cutting at all.
I transitioned for almost 2 years. I don't believe this is necessarily excessive shedding, given the fact that u wore your hair in a weave for for a couple of weeks. This may be normal shedding as a result of not combing during that time period of time. I think that u will have to be very careful with combing and take particular note when washing in the future to ascertain whether the shedding is excessive. I know that when I transitioned, I did have excessive shedding for several months, I believe they were months 5-8 and then after that things settled down a bit. Those were scary months and I was inclined to throw in the towel, however, things got better and I was able to continue on with the transition. I however must tell u, that there was not much that I could do with my hair during that time in terms of styling. I pretty much kept my hair in protective styles-buns, etc because i was too afraid of hair stress with rying different styles. Also don't forget to trim, especially when shedding becomes excessive. good luck!
:confused: I don't think that's a lot of hair at all.....


I lose that much per shampoo - 2 or 3 times a week.
Tracy said:
:confused: I don't think that's a lot of hair at all.....


I lose that much per shampoo - 2 or 3 times a week.
It doesn't look like a lot to me either.

PB, the longer your hair gets, it'll start looking like a lot because of the longer strands.
I'm confused--is that from mearly putting on/removing rollers or is it from COMBING your hair first? If it's from combing, personally that doesn't look like a lot to me....
Pooh...I also started my transition in October. Was the picture of the hair before or after you used the rat-tail comb? I am currently doing the bun/baggie method but when I did go off two weeks ago, I used the brown rat-tail comb that has larger spaced teeth. I didn't even want to try and use the black rat-tail comb for fear of breakage. Also, when rollersetting your hair, make sure that you keep it wet as you comb and part your hair. If the breakage continues, I would opt to air dry and do protective styles for a while.
TigerLily said:
Pooh, how long did you have your weave in? You know, the hair that didn't shed daily when you had your weave in is going to come out...

It really doesn't seem like a lot to me. Is it still breaking? Do some deep conditioning and a protein treatment before you start whackin' away on it...

Thanks for your comment. Yeah, there could be some shedding in that pile of hair as well. I just collected all the hair from my combs and the sink that I had and put it together in a ball.

I only had the weave in for 8 days. It started getting too fuzzy for me and I had a lot of new growth. I'll probably fix it up some and then put it back in some other time. Maybe in the summer.

Now that I have the rollers out, my hair looks fine. Next time, I just need to condition it like you said and be more gentle with my hair since I'm transitioning. :)
PhonyBaloney500 said:
I'm confused--is that from mearly putting on/removing rollers or is it from COMBING your hair first? If it's from combing, personally that doesn't look like a lot to me....

I didnt have any breakage or shedding after I took out my weave, nor during my detangling process.

This breakage came from smoothing each section of my washed, wet hair before putting it into a roller. ;)
blkmaryland said:
Pooh...I also started my transition in October. Was the picture of the hair before or after you used the rat-tail comb? I am currently doing the bun/baggie method but when I did go off two weeks ago, I used the brown rat-tail comb that has larger spaced teeth. I didn't even want to try and use the black rat-tail comb for fear of breakage. Also, when rollersetting your hair, make sure that you keep it wet as you comb and part your hair. If the breakage continues, I would opt to air dry and do protective styles for a while.

blkmaryland, Do you have a picture of the brown rattail comb with larger spaced teeth???

Also, I have gotten tired of wearing protective styles all the time. When I wear a bun, my edges sometimes fall down because my hair is layered and I have bangs. Not even gel will hold it down for the whole day.
I like my hair looking nice. This morning, my rollerset came out great, nice and shiny (I airdried). I may not need a trim/cut afterall!!! :D And Salerm21 finally worked for my hair! I just need to condition and be more gentle next time if I want to continue doing this. I plan on rollersetting every week, and I may alternate by rollersetting one week and put it in my synthetic hair bun for the next week. :)
Poohbear said:
I didnt have any breakage or shedding after I took out my weave, nor during my detangling process.

This breakage came from smoothing each section of my washed, wet hair before putting it into a roller. ;)

Pooh - depending on how long you've been transitioning, I'd say THAT's the culprit. I still don't think it's a lot of hair considering... :shrug: but you may be getting some breakage at the line of demarcation where your natural hair and your relaxed hair meet.

I think your rollersetting days should end. Too much manipulation during transitioning can lead to LOTS of breakage once you get past a certain point.

Edited to add: I looked at your siggy....yeah - since Oct should mean no more rollersets for you. ;) or at least, it would mean no more for me. I stop rollersetting at week 8. You're at about week 12.....
Allandra said:
Originally Posted by Tracy
:confused: I don't think that's a lot of hair at all.....


I lose that much per shampoo - 2 or 3 times a week.

It doesn't look like a lot to me either.

PB, the longer your hair gets, it'll start looking like a lot because of the longer strands.

Thanks for your comments Tracy and Allandra.

Tracy, after you style your hair, does it look like you hair has been broken off in certain places??? I always wondered this when people say they get breakage. For me, I don't notice any broken areas after my hair is done, but I know I experienced breakage when I did my rollerset because I had little broken hairs as well as longer hairs which may be shedded hairs.

Allandra, I never that about it being shedding either and considering my hair is getting longer and thicker. :)
Poohbear said:
Thanks for your comments Tracy and Allandra.

Tracy, after you style your hair, does it look like you hair has been broken off in certain places???
It doesn't. But you don't usually start to see the effects for a while because it happens slowly over time, little by little like what you experienced the other day. Lose hair like that consistently over time and you eventually end up with thin spots and lifeless hair.

A transitioners best bet is protective styling. I know it's boring (I feel your pain) but it's what's really best for your hair right now.
Tracy said:
Pooh - depending on how long you've been transitioning, I'd say THAT's the culprit. I still don't think it's a lot of hair considering... :shrug: but you may be getting some breakage at the line of demarcation where your natural hair and your relaxed hair meet.

I think your rollersetting days should end. Too much manipulation during transitioning can lead to LOTS of breakage once you get past a certain point.

Edited to add: I looked at your siggy....yeah - since Oct should mean no more rollersets for you. ;) or at least, it would mean no more for me. I stop rollersetting at week 8. You're at about week 12.....

Awww! *sad face that's pouting*...I'm almost at week 17 (on Jan 27th). Maybe if I be very, very gentle and careful and take my dear time could I get a successful rollerset on transitioning hair??? :look:
Last night, I was being a little rough considering I was getting frusterated and wasn't being patient either with my hair. I know there are naturals here that can rollerset fairly well (Carefree for example). So that's why I've been wanting to give rollersets a try! ;)
Tracy said:
Poohbear said:
Thanks for your comments Tracy and Allandra.

Tracy, after you style your hair, does it look like you hair has been broken off in certain places???
It doesn't. But you don't usually start to see the effects for a while because it happens slowly over time, little by little like what you experienced the other day. Lose hair like that consistently over time and you eventually end up with thin spots and lifeless hair.

A transitioners best bet is protective styling. I know it's boring (I feel your pain) but it's what's really best for your hair right now.

I didn't think of the long term effects. There's gotta be some way to combat breakage for good! :p And yes, I'm going through those boring pains of protective styling and growing-out-hair pains as well. :ohwell:
Poohbear said:
I didn't think of the long term effects. There's gotta be some way to combat breakage for good! :p And yes, I'm going through those boring pains of protective styling and growing-out-hair pains as well. :ohwell:

Noting - I re-read my post and I want to clarify that teh thinning hair thing will only happen if what you're getting is breakage. If it's regular shedding then that shouldn't present as much of a problem. I'm convinced though, that your breakage is from over-manipulating that hair too much with too much newgrowth. Transitioners don't continue to RS very long unless they are veerrrry fortunate. ;)

Go back to the buns... :ohwell:
I usually shed almost that much after a wash. Its because I don't comb my hair for a week.
But more will definatley come out because your combing each piece for roller setting. Thats why I don't do roller sets when I'm post touch up. So if your transitioning, you might want to lay off them.
Hey Tracy, I may try your airdrying method with the bolita and single braid! :) I just wish my hair was as long and full as yours!
I don't think that is a lot of hair to lose, like others I lose that much with my wash. As far as rollersetting on your hair now that your transitioning, im almost 6 months post relaxer and I rollerset every week. I dont know maybe it's just me but I never saw a problem with rollersetting on transitioning hair. I haven't decided if im going to fully transition yet but I see my flexi sets as a great way to avoid unnecessary manipulation during the week as I am almost 6 months post relaxer. I lost that much per wash before I was this far into my relaxer stretch.
chocolate01 said:
I don't think that is a lot of hair to lose, like others I lose that much with my wash. As far as rollersetting on your hair now that your transitioning, im almost 6 months post relaxer and I rollerset every week. I dont know maybe it's just me but I never saw a problem with rollersetting on transitioning hair. I haven't decided if im going to fully transition yet but I see my flexi sets as a great way to avoid unnecessary manipulation during the week as I am almost 6 months post relaxer. I lost that much per wash before I was this far into my relaxer stretch.

wow! thanks for the encouragement! your hair looks great after those flexi rods! :)