Is this really true?


Well-Known Member
I went into Aveda to look at the price of the Damage Remedy hair line. One of the sales associates (who was black) helped me out. She had nice wavy shoulderlength hair which I complimented her on and asked about her regime. She told me that after she went back natural back in '94, she would continuously cut her hair, but even though she had cut it she kept it moisturized by washing it and keeping it curly.

I asked her if she use any oils to help moisturize her hair. She said no since oils just coats the hair to make it shiny and will fry the hair if it makes contact with heat. She suggested that I keep my hair curly and moisturized constantly and it will grow like wildfire. The Aveda products she suggested were the Damage Remedy line (she is also a fan of this product) and the Be Curly line.

I just wanted to know if her suggestions had some facts to them? I know moisturizing the hair through baggying helped Dark Empress' supergrowth. But I want to know if keeping the hair curly and moisturized helps as well.
I'm wondering the same thing MizA is...

Also, this, IMO, is totally subjective. Some of us use oils and are married to them while others hate oils and never use I think it depends on the head.

From my experience, oil seals in my moisture and keeps my hair from drying out once it's dry. I used to have a problem with my hair feeling great while damp, but once it dried completely, it felt like hay. Adding a dollop of coconut oil or jojoba oil sealed in the moisture and kept my hair soft and pliable until the next wash.

We all know that moisturized 3/4 type hair fares better than un-moisturized hair so that's not really anything new.

I guess she was saying stay natural or don't use heat...that's good advice I suppose, but that too is subjective. Some naturals here have hair that thrives, and there are relaxed heads thriving as well. I think it's trial and error.
seraphim712 said:
I just wanted to know if her suggestions had some facts to them? I know moisturizing the hair through baggying helped Dark Empress' supergrowth. But I want to know if keeping the hair curly and moisturized helps as well.

Well, keeping your hair in its natural state as much as possible is generally a benefit to you hair. So if your hair is curly, keeping it curly is generally better for your hair than trying to make it straight. We all know that oils are not used for moisture, but to seal in moisture, so I don't disagree with her suggestion. Some people's hair does okay with oil, and others, like mine, doesn't particularly like them (except olive).

My hair hasn't grown like wildfire, but my hair grows well by keeping it moisturized (the curlier the hair, generally the drier the hair tends to be) and in it's natural state (curly/coily). My hair is able to RETAIN length by minimizing tangles and splits by doing lots of plaiting/braiding or keeping in protective/semi-protective styles.
I believe there is some truth to what she is saying in regards to keeping it moisturized and curly in it's natural state. I believe keeping it moisturized benefits the hair because it keeps the hair from drying out and breaking off. I believe keeping it curly helps as well because your hair isn't being manipulated from combing, brushing, stretching, etc.

Check out BlackCardinal's album and these ladies' fotki albums: Raehlilisynth, SoulfulSista, Delushious, wysdom1, and I know there's more that I cannot think of right now! These ladies would wash their hair frequently which kept it moisturized and it grew to great lengths.

From my experience, my hair likes to be washed/rinsed frequently and it prefers to be in it's curly(more like coily/shrunken) state. It keeps my hair clean and moisturized. I occassionally go longer without washing when doing twists and twistout styles but my hair benefits most from frequent washing and moisture. ;)