Is this racist?


Well-Known Member
One of my coworkers was going on about how I should be happy that my hair isn't wiry and out of control. I told her I relax my hair. I showed her one of napturals videos and she was so disgusted by her hair. I told her I admired napturals hair and wished mine looked like it. She responded that I was better of with my relaxed hair. Is this racist, ignorant, or both?
If your coworker is black, then the statement is ignorant and racist. If your coworker is white, then the statement is ignorant and racist. If your coworker is any other race, then the statement is ignorant and racist.
She's Filipina from the Philippines. And it really upset me becuause I really admire natural and think its beautiful. And her hair is so thin that you can see her scalp but she has the nerve to come at natural hair.
You should have just checked her after she said whatever about wiry hair. And left it at that. No approval needed
Outside of the this forum, leave conversations about hair to a select few trusted people.

I wouldn't even waste time trying to show a non black person anything about our hair. As soon as she said wiry you got a clear picture of her views of black hair.
trifling..and ignorant--wouldnt say racist--i would stay away from ming--it appears she has interesting view points on certain things :nono:
Yep. It's racist and ignorant, but I see the looks I get when I flat iron or "tame" my natural hair. I'm sure a lot of "others" feel this way.
I'm not surprised. Other races think our hair is nasty and disgusting. Put they french kiss their dogs...all of them!
Why should her opinion matter more than yours? You know what you like and who gives a care what she likes?

I love telling "folk" I how don't really care for straight hair and how boring it is just hanging there. :lachen: We all have our preferences. :ohwell:
I know it should't have bothered me as much. I'm young and learning, maybe its just finals week manifesting in other ways :ohwell:
unfortunately i have some black associates (both male and female, esp male however), who 100% whole heartedly agree with your co-worker :nono:
It's ignorant. I wore my wash and go to school today, first time this semester cuz I'm lazy and school has been stressful, and the majority of the compliments I got came from the White girls and the one Filipina in the class. They absolutely loved it. After this hellish semester we consider each other family, the Filipina included, so I let some of them touch the curls since this was their first time really seeing them in all their glory. They were all amazed and even commented that they wish they had my curls. The only side eye I got was from a black female professor. I politely gave her and her stringy relaxed hair the side eye right back
I never allow anyone to engage me in conversations about Afro or black women's hair especially if they are of another race. The convo just will be cut from the jump. I never allow myself to allow anyone at my job to engage me on ignorant conversations about me and I do not give them the chance either. In the past when I did it led to more disrespect so now I just cut it off and say, 'Oh I have to go now." One thing I have learned about co workers is to not get into discussions about personal appearance.

Almond Eyes
" I should be happy that my hair isn't wiry and out of control".

You: "Actually, I feel blessed that my hair isn't all flat, limp and most people" as you slowly eye her hair.

" I should be happy that my hair isn't wiry and out of control". You: "Actually, I feel blessed that my hair isn't all flat, limp and most people" as you slowly eye her hair. :grin:

im good at giving these replies when i feel like it lol