Is this progress???? I THINK SO!!!!!


Well-Known Member

This is a comparison shot of one month and 21 days. The first pic was taken on Jan 17th and the second just today (March 10) I it if the heat damaged ends which is why it's so short. I was sick of seeing the scraggly ends mixed in with my curly hair. So I went through all my hair and chopped them ALL off, no style or anything. I was just trying to have a fresh start. Looks like it did some good. :-)
Thank you! It feels a lot healthier too! I have to lean to be grateful for and celebrate the small victories..... Lol!


The first progress pics are taken at the same time as the others. The second pic shows my hair FINALLY growing from when it was shedding all last year. This means it's thickening up. I have short hair amongst my longer strands and since I didn't cut them short, the strands that fell out are growing back......! FINALLY!!!!