Is this normal or is my hair going crazy??


New Member
Let me preface this by saying I have very very 4a hair. Thought it was 4b until it regained its resilience and S pattern. Anyhow, I just finished washing and conditioning. Let it air dry, then I went through with my moisturizer and started to flat twist.

I finished about 3 flat twists and got to the top of my head and found a straight hair. I mean BONE straight hair. :huh: As far as I know, it was never there before. What is going on here?

Like most people, I have an off patch of hair at the back of my head (2b/3a) but I never noticed STRAIGHT hairs. I haven't had a relaxer in 10 years! Has anyone else experienced this?
Yeah, I have. Odd, ain't they? Esp. when you get them wet, and they STAY straight? :look:

But apparently, it's normal. :lachen: I'm on a mostly white board, and they find the occasional 4a hair too - realllly freaks em out. :lachen:
Sounds normal to me. I have a patch of hair that is looser than the rest and some hairs can be pretty straight looking. The only other thing that could maybe cause random straight hairs would be heat damage. But then it would be more than a hair or two and likely very obvious.