Is this new growth going to EVER straighten??


New Member
You guys, *exasperated look* I'm out of ideas. I've used Motions Lye relaxer and I still cannot straighten this new growth. This is the worst. Is there hope? Will this new growth ever be straight again??? I don't know what I've done, but my hair has become extremely resistant to relaxers. I just don't know what to do. I'll have to wait another six weeks to attempt to relax again, and I'm SO afraid to see how "hairy" things will be by then....:(
Sorry to hear that Leshia. I know you're in Korea and things are hard to get, but can you get anything else? Have you tried to see if some of the companies selling Mizani and Elucence will deliver overseas? I just tried the Elucence in regular strength and it really straightened my hair out. I liked it very much. It got my hair a bit straighter than I wanted, but I thought it was great.
I can relate. When I started taking alot of vitamins my hair was also resistant to relaxers, even when I went to the stylist my new growth would nto get staright. I ended up switching back to no lye. You probaly just need to find a lye eprm that works for your "new" hair.