Is this moron just looking for a booty-call?!


New Member
I've known this guy for like almost a year, blah blah. I never liked him and thought he looked weird :look: :lachen:

Then I sort of forgot about him and disappeared for IDK... three...six months :yawn: and returned after he randomly messaged me on Facebook (my bad, I'm such a good friend!!!)

Then all of the sudden I started liking him this January; typical. He is always stalking my Facebook and crap, I know this because he always leaves comments and talks to me about my Facebook saying that I need to update my pictures, etc. He went on a trip to Denmark, etc. Wanted me to come but decided against it since there would be Seven guys (not like I would go anyway!). He is going on another trip to Sweden and invited me, first I said yes, then I changed my mind and said no since there would be four guys and OMG RAPE... IDK why he keeps inviting me to hang out with his guy friends :spinning:

Also, I asked him to go to the Venetian carnival with me, but then I changed my mind (AGAIN LOL I KNOW, I'm such a good friend) and canceled on him. Heehee. When I invited him he asked me on a date too... Oh well...

He has asked me to come over etc. and he will show me the city, etc. I complained about the train ride being to expensive and he suggests that I stay in a room in his apartment... I was like "O thnx u r too knd" and then I remembered that he only has one room, LOL WTF. So then I was like "omgz, I'm not having sex with you!" and he is like "nooooo!!! not that! well, at least not yet." GASP.

IDK, maybe I'm overreacting LOL IDK. His English is pretty bad and maybe he didn't mean it in that way buttttt. I just think he stalks me too much to just want a booty-call.

Or something. THOUGHTS.
You sound like you are all over the place with this one. I don't think he is trying to do a booty call. He is just trying to get to know you and you are throwing up road blocks all over the place. If I was him I would cut my losses and move on from you.

Do you not live close enough to do coffee? Or if there is travel involved have him come over early one Saturday spend the day together then he can go home. I see no reason for you to travel to his place.
You sound like you are all over the place with this one. I don't think he is trying to do a booty call. He is just trying to get to know you and you are throwing up road blocks all over the place. If I was him I would cut my losses and move on from you.

Do you not live close enough to do coffee? Or if there is travel involved have him come over early one Saturday spend the day together then he can go home. I see no reason for you to travel to his place.

Yea, I am surprised that he is still speaking to me after what I put him through. I just didn't trust him at first. I would prefer if he was to come here and see me first and then I'll go there. That would make me feel better actually... He lives waaaaaay too far. I do not even know why he wants to get involved with me since I am so far away. I'll let him know!
So I took your advice and his reply has completely annoyed me. I am going to let this one go:

Me: [Insert name], can you see me first in March and I will visit you two weeks afterwards? It'll make me feel much better if you were to see me first! I don't want to seem like a ***** because I canceled on you like, three times now... but I did them for logical reasons!

Anyway... Yes, you visit me first! And I promise to come to Milan two weeks after.

Or you decide when. I think I'll be back in Europe on March 10th or something.

Him: Hi [my name]! Don't worry, it's ok... Anyway I don't know if I'll come to Austria... it's not on my list. You know... I'm quite a bad boy... But I'll invite you when I'll go to some new european towns!


Did he not understand a single word that I said?!

His response makes me think that you might have been right about his initial intentions. Why was he so eager to have you come over to visit him and now that you suggest the opposite, he doesn't know anymore...
I think u have strong intuition and u should just go with your gut. Or, maybe, u really liked him and were a little afraid of rejection, maybe??

I guess we would have to know u better but I think the former may be true :yep:
Stay away from him. If he really liked you, he would come to you. Period.

If he liked you, he wouldn't keep trying to get you around a bunch of other dudes.

He keeps trying to put you in situations that are making you feel uncomfortable, don't feel bad for rejecting them. Kudos to you for trusting your gut and sticking to your guns. Too many girls ignore those feelings and end up dead or raped.
Stay away from him. If he really liked you, he would come to you. Period.

If he liked you, he wouldn't keep trying to get you around a bunch of other dudes.

He keeps trying to put you in situations that are making you feel uncomfortable, don't feel bad for rejecting them. Kudos to you for trusting your gut and sticking to your guns. Too many girls ignore those feelings and end up dead or raped.

I knew that I was right :grin: my gut feeling is 100% right all the time. And my mother told me she had a bad feeling about it so nah... Safety first!

He seems very suspicious to me as well :rolleyes: